You win my morning.
Doesn’t Eric has a deposition coming up? Seems that there may be some other questions to ask…
Best one I heard over the years was “hollering at the john”.
Is that what you call the services she provides Daddy?
I’m looking forward to Biden talking about the wealthy paying their fair share of taxes. The nice part is that he doesn’t necessarily have to even use Trumps name. Just talk about all the folks who are gaming the system to pay no taxes and think that honest Americans who pay what they owe are stupid. Let Trump make the next move - doubt he’ll hit it out of the park.
Don Jr. Accuses NYT Of Publishing Trump Tax Bombshell To Give Biden ‘Attack Line’ Before Debate
But really Trump could have avoided this if he had released his taxes after 2016 election like he promised to do, instead there have been several trips to the SCOTUS and he still doesn’t.
Or, at least, what goes into their business…
Oh, and I’m very glad to see that others are also noting that Jr. hasn’t said any of these revelations are untrue.
Was that an admission from Junior that he and his clan are not ‘people’?
Exactly. To quickly prove the NYT story false, all the Gasbag has to do is release his 1040’s.
I wonder why he doesn’t do that?
The NYT owed this to us after all the crap spewed at Hillary at critical junctures.
Yep, and it’s going to be epic!
The “DUH!!!” heard round the world
My all-time favorite!
Junior fails to deny an obviously true report.
They don’t know when it’s smarter to keep your mouth shut.
Wait for their Hunter expose right before the second debate!
Even BEFORE Clinton - They’ve got miles to go before accounting for Judith Miller pushing us into war with a crock of shit reporting.
Fuck that. Go on about the wealthy not paying their taxes. Use Trump as a specific example. Trump has three possible responses:
- Fake News! (so keep hitting him with it)
- Everyone does it! (so you’re saying all wealthy people are dodging their taxes like you?)
- I forget…
$750 is the new 47%.