Don Jr. Accuses NYT Of Publishing Trump Tax Bombshell To Give Biden ‘Attack Line’ Before Debate

She’s getting a nice salary from the trump campaign - and so is Eric’s wife. Once the campaign $ stops flowing, we’ll see what happens.


It’s kind of sad how desperate this schmuck is for his Father’s love. A father who clearly doesn’t love him or the other mouth breather.

If his daddy were smart as he claims to be, then he would have anticipated the wicked fake news media to go after his tax returns and released them himself! I guess he really is a dumb orange blob!


She’s not dumb enough to count on trump for her money - no way she doesn’t have some stashed away, and the book will make her money as long as she describes sex with t.

Credit cards charge merchants anywhere from 2- 5% (or more) to process payments. Giving you a cash discount saves them the processing fee, it saves them the accounting and billing costs, and it puts money in the cash accounts right now. Whether they report the income or not is their deal. If they provide a receipt, they are almost certainly reporting it–it’s going into their accounting system.


So why is Trump still bleeding money when he’s been bilking the Treasury, world leaders and his supporters ever since he started his quest for greatness? Has his moneylaundering suffered that much because he’s been distracted by all that adoration from his MAGA?

It’s obvious which countries he owes money. Just look at where he has retreated internationally.

But why is The Trump Organization still failing? Has someone been quietly taking Trump’s assets to recoup unpaid interest on loans?

The NYT says hundreds of millions more payments will become due just in the next year. What will the USA have to give up to these foreign creditors? What has Trump liquidated already that we don’t know about? Is this why he’s opening up public lands for Russian oligarchs to rape?

It would appear that Trump’s decision to leave the profitable NBC “The Apprentice” to run his own reality show from the White House was one of his most stupid of bad ideas. The dotard is like a junkie so starved for a publicity fix that he keeps going back over and over to the same loan sharks.




But wait! They can have hugely successful garage sales at all their properties. Imagine the faux crystal chandeliers glistening in the sun on the plastic picnic tables set up all around. /s


Do you think they realize by now that they’d all have been better off as well?

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He insists that sneakers worn with suits are all right.






So is Thomas…


Trump wilfully and intentionally …systematically avoided taxes through what appears to be illegal behavior…an investigative newspaper published findings that should have disqualified him from holding office years ago…the news paper or Biden had NOTHING to do with Trumps behavior…what’s the issue beyond whining about being exposed?

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I think that if someone gave me that line about it being his duty to report all income, etc., that I would have replied with something to the effect of, “There is a time-value-of-money calculation that should be baked into your pricing. I’m offering you cash on the nail, now. Whether you report that income is between you, your bookkeeper, and the IRS.”


I think that, just as there were plenty of people who wouldn’t admit they supported Trump in '16, there are plenty of folks who voted for him the first time and won’t admit they’ll be voting for Biden this time.

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I do love how Lil’ Donny over there seem to imply there would have been nothing else for Biden to raise against Daddy at the debates if it wasn’t for those darn New York Times kids.


Very nicely stated, wintermoon and I’m sorry to say this is an obvious–though apparently not obvious enough for too many Americans–comment that we’ve too long allowed the Republican’ts and the so-called liberal media (SCLM) to overlook/ignore/downplay/rewrite at our, and our nation’s, peril.


I agree w/ the other commenter–she surely didn’t have a lot of (even semi-non-shitty) choices, now did she?

[Hmmmm, OK, I’ll play, too…“I admire his ability to inspire unwavering, actionable loyalty in his followers, despite justifying it with–demonstrably false–100% weapons grade bullshit.” Howszat?!]

I never listened to him, so I can’t posit my own opinion, but someone whose judgment I do admire once said that Howard Stern could interview someone and ask questions in such a way that they got answered.

My impression was that rather than have Joe state his answer (as though he knew it for certain and had the evidence he could provide) as you’ve laid out, Stern would simply answer a non-answer w/ something like, “then I’ll just assume it’s Russia” and gauge the reaction to press again or add another assumption, “or China”.


On the other hand, for a business that doesn’t commonly do large cash transactions, the cost of dealing with that money could be substantial. Have to count it, secure it, get it deposited, hope not to get hit with a structuring investigation… And it raises suspicions.

(Oddly, in real estate transactions, checks are considered cash – essentially anything that doesn’t mean there’s a representative of the bank hanging around at closing.)

@eddycollins Oliver Wendell Holmes said it first, but he must have been a chump: taxes are the price we pay for a civilized society. (OK, that explains why trump and his ilk aren’t willing to pay)

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