'Do Something' Is Not A Plan Or Wise Counsel Or A Way Out

Let the co pilot take over? He has a VP you know.


The press is lazy. Someone replying to Marcy noted this.


There is another angle on this that Maureen Dowd (yeah, I know) touched on in an OpEd yesterday, about how some elements of the press are angry because they’re getting blamed for not reporting on Biden’s decline, when they were unable to report anything because the WH has shielded him from unscripted events like press conferences. So now the knives are out.

The White House press corps, stung by critiques that they did not pull back the curtain enough on the president’s diminished powers, are now on the alert, ready to tear down the Pollyanna scrim erected by Biden’s family and aides.


That Biden was staying was obvious from the first time he said no. Further, once you consider the mere logistics of mounting a campaign for an alternative it is clear that he made the right call whether he was dying of toe fungus or not.

That there is no real there there, is apparent from the hurried attempt to turn the visits of a Doc to clinics for others at the White House into shady visits to Biden when that very Doc had publicly noted that Biden showed no signs of neurological impairment. We would do well to investigate who first started pushing that meme. If they had something real, they would have used it.

A certain portion of Democratic movers and shakers were simply rolled.


i’ll take your word for it regarding STEPH, I see him on GMA in the morning…not much going on there…woud rather have MUIR doing it…[ the evening news guy]


Had to look her up. Hmm. One more thing to put on the worry list. Next up, the Old Ones make an appearance in this election cycle.


Well, precisely.

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Serious comedy


It wasn’t an interview. It was an intervention, and it failed at that.

Seriously, he had one question and he asked it a dozen different ways. In fairness, I turned it off after that became apparent so I don’t know if he had a backup. Joe looked okay to me, though I don’t deny that he dodged one or two of Stephanopoulos’s variations on his tiresome theme.


Couldn’t agree more. Biden should not do a second debate. He apparently said, “You can’t debate a liar.” But I wish Biden had gone further and said “You can’t debate a malignant narcissist.”
In my view, Trump has forfeited any claim to a second debate, not to mention any claim to public office again ever.


An Anthropology Of The ‘Do-Something Caucus’

Yeah, that is in essence what we’re seeing, but the political press is just one constituent part of the culture you’re examining. To a very great extent what you described is the behavior of a management/executive/priestly class who are accustomed to having their intoned pronouncement followed regardless of their knowledge of the situation.

The Chevron decision is a fantastic case in point. Apparently Supreme Court justices don’t don’t know the difference between Nitrous oxide and Nitrogen dioxide, yet they feel qualified to make scientific decisions because they are in charge of the courts.

It happens in business as well, executives who want a specific outcome and make technical decisions that would contradict the best advice from the actual technical people. That these decisions don’t work out as the executives intend is obvious (Boeing cough). It doesn’t matter because “They have the power.”

Lots of people fail to understand the limitations of their knowledge, it takes power to overrule good counsel. Those who lack power are either left trying to implement a bad decision or altering it enough to keep it viable while still looking like you’re doing the will of the powerful.

Same thing here, it’s not simply choice, but the media’s expertise is really the media. They’re going to select the “experts” that will confirm the narrative they’re trying to construct. That most of us are unable to tell the difference between actual events and the narrative of the events is evident.


Absolutely correct.

It isn’t a debate. Biden is there to discuss facts and policy options.

Trump is there to hog the camera by putting on a show.

Trump shouldn’t be allowed within a mile of the President. Trump’s already threatened him.


I K R ? :bangbang:


“Can’t”? Most likely TSF doesn’t know how OR have an unexpired driver’s license.


The questions were mostly bullshit open-ended “let’s imagine if this happened and then that happened, how would you respond Mr. President?”


why are THEY not mentioning Trumpf’s performance?? i’m thinking maybe his cult supports him bcause he does not give a shit what they say…babbling hordes of nincompoops


It seems to me that the Democrats are doing to Biden exactly what they did to Al Franken. That “bum’s rush” cost us a very effective senator … this one could cost us our democracy. The Democrats should put their efforts into shouting down Trump’s insanity rather than undermining their own guy.
Biden leads a functioning administration with quite extraordinary accomplishments. He’s running to extend that record. Should it be necessary for Kamala Harris to step into the presidency sometime in the next 4 years, that administration would continue to function.


And thinks that people are impressed that he was asked to take multiple cognitive tests intended to look for signs of dementia.


Racist backlash explains why the GOP vote totals went from 35 million in 2006 to 45 million in 2010. It does not explain why Dem vote totals went from 42 million in 2006 to 39 million in 2010.

Lighten up.


WTF…why am I seeing shit like this all over the place right now and TPM Isn’t reporting on any of it (even if it was to address the allegations and explain where they’re coming from and that they’re not true)?