'Do Something' Is Not A Plan Or Wise Counsel Or A Way Out

lol, hypotheticals??? really tough questioning…@@


Not to mention Trump, Epstein and the thirteen year old…


I got a 2024 Cybertruck and they call it a woody…
This thing makes a PT Cruiser woody look like the height of automotive styling and design.


Actually, it’s worse than that. If all you know is political journalism, then it gets reduced to the political journalist’s projection of what politics is, what winning looks like, and who’s losing under that particular contrived set of calculations.

The above from the column really sums up journalism the last 40+ years. Especially the “group think”. That is whatever the first and loudest voice says, everyone must follow.

What really bothers me is that “what winning looks like, and who’s losing under that particular contrived set of calculations” is different for the two Parties. Trump looks like out of control out of his mind want to be dictator with no grip on reality and is convicted 34 times and the story is his supporters rally to him whereas Biden has one bad night and he needs to concede.

Any telling of facts, like the 2000 election was stolen, the Iraq war is going to be a disaster, Obama did not lie to 99.9% of Americans when he said “if you want to keep your health care you can”, Hillary’s email never was a major scandal, and so on and so on, and you are shunned.

The failure of the 4th estate the last 40+ years is why we are where we are, on the brink of becoming a facist nation.


Marcy Wheeler does a glorious job of fisking the front page of the NYT.

Finally canceled my subscription yesterday. (After decades) Now Marcy’s reading it for me so I don’t have to! Life is momentarily good.


Thanks for this.


It has been some ride hasn’t it … “trouble ahead, trouble behind”


Yes. The reason for neurologist visits that media keeps hyping could be peripheral neuropathy in his feet. The media refuses to note there are numerous other medical issues, other than cognitive, that neurologist treat. Media wants to drive perception of mental deficits by constant drumming of #of neurologist visits. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


Thank you for this excellent piece. I woke up this morning worrying about Trump and Project 2025 and the horse race feeding frenzy in the press and started the day pretty depressed. This information and perspective has improved my mood. It always helps me to know more about what is going on. We are dealing with humans ( Trump may be a possible exception) with their varying levels of intelligence, energy, experience, historical knowledge, and, of course, ambitions. It’s what I and the rest of us face everyday. Thank you Mr. Kurtz. And thanks to TPM.
See, I do read the articles.


How quickly we forget the one that’s truly in a league of its own - repeatedly falling asleep at his own trial!


Don’t forget the crossword and word puzzles…


Can’t hold a water bottle.


Yeah, I had an issue with the question about how Biden would feel if he loses the election. George could have just as easily asked, “Let’s imagine if you step down and hand the nomination to Harris, and she loses, how would you feel?”


I listened to the whole Morning Joe interview, and he was himself, and not backing down. I think he can go the distance to Jan 20, which is really all we need at minimum to keep Dictator Drumpf out.


Threatened with withdrawal when the TPM comments boards became moribund yesterday, I hurried off to Google The Rude Pundit and, to my satisfaction, wound up reading a relatively recent retrospective he wrote.
It included the following, which expresses what I find a very worthy point of view:
The one on Reagan’s death. It was inspired by Hunter S. Thompson’s savage takedown of Richard Nixon, and I felt like Reagan was the founding supervillain of my life, and I hated seeing him get lionized like he was anything other than the planter of our seeds of civil destruction. (The Rude Pundit: 20 Years of Rude Punditry: What the Hell Did I Do With My Life? )


I spent 30+ years in regional and community planning. “Do something” was always pushed but the do nothing (the null alternative) was always on the table because sometimes visible somethings were worse.


For those who still dream of having the perfect candidate, nothing Biden does will ever be enough. That also goes for the stenographers of the MSM who see what a tremendous response they get to repeating lies and making up shit to get people excited. If there’s nothing there, they can always insinuate … “just asking questions!!!” The Tucker Carlson weasel-word excuse for perpetrating salacious lies.

What Biden can do is what he does best - represent his record and choose the right venues to discuss them.

IMHO, the presidential “debates” are no venue at all, no policy discussions allowed, just a clown show from start to finish.


This one is from the Godzilla universe. Watching Godzilla x King Kong.


The report is not released–a summary is released. The value of the summary depends on how much you trust the summarizer.

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Plus that very neurologist had been visiting frequently in prior administrations to administer Botox to control migraines.