'Do Something' Is Not A Plan Or Wise Counsel Or A Way Out

I’m sure disgraced Dr. Ronnie will be sure to add (repeat?) his voice to those who said Donnie is the healthiest, above average human to ever live.
Seriously, is there any reason to expect Donald will ever allow an honest medical assessment of his state of being to be released?
Thought not.


if BIDEN failed at anything, its that he expected a debate that was reasonably sane…i don’t know how i would react when confronted by bald-faced lies, in a public forum… i guess he could have called Trumpf out more forcefully on the lies…that would have unleashed another string of lies., which is what the media likes…its fun and games for them.i didn’t listen to Stephenopolos[?] interview as he is just another tv person…a total wimp.


By the way, thank you David for this article. It’s a much needed “take a breath” moment. And it’s a bonus star because there isn’t so much bad news it makes me want to hide under a rock.


Very nice.


They may need to issue a new edition that considers the impact of the 2024 Presidential election…


Actually it does. Wake up.

More or less why I cancelled my NYT subscription (and a few others) last week.


Ed O’Keefe should be the first one but the entire WH press corps
owes Karine Jean-Pierre and apology. They failed to do their homework before running with a story about Parkinson’s manufactured by the NYPost. All of the information has been available for months and years. Also, the neurologist sees patients other than POTUS at the WH.


There are other ways to look at this. If Biden withdraws the Democrats lose. Look at the history of doing that. Loss. Although the media is focused on Biden the presidency is an administration. 100’s of folks are in that administration. Not just Biden. Even in whatever diminished capacity the man is…whom do you think will pick a better 100 to run this country? Who will appoint better SCOTUS justices no matter what state of heath when making the appointments? Who will assemble a Cabinet the world will trust vs who will put a bunch of unthinking ideologues in power and alienate our allies.

And…who does Putin want in? Kim? Xi? The Ayatollah?


In other words, the “do something, panic crowd” needs to pipe down.


and can’t drive a car.


Until the batshit nonsense they write in an attempt to make something happen gets published, at which point the impotence (and their frustration with having to suffer the insult of being impotent) becomes rather potent.


Biden is on notice now that if he stays in the race and fails spectacularly again at the September debate and loses the election, his legacy will be in shambles, just as RBG’s legacy has been destroyed. Fair or not, he will be remembered as someone who put his personal ambition before the good of the country. If that doesn’t light a fire under Biden to put forth his absolute best effort going forward, then nothing will.


The WH press office released a detailed discussion of his February physical, which included, among other things, tests for various neurological conditions including Parkinsons. As of then, anyway, he exhibits no signs of neurological impairment. It said he has some neuropathy which contributes to stiffness in his gait. Etc. So, this information is out there.


Again? He has on a regular basis and the results have been released. No one paid attention. Just one more time to make everyone happy? Will that be enough? Or is this DO SOMETHING!


His reponse in the last interview doesnt sound like he understands that.

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As Stephanopoulos pointed out when Biden tried to offer that excuse, Joe’s first (and most disastrous) answer of the night came before trump had said anything at all. Biden had no response to that observation for a couple seconds before he finally landed on “It was a bad night.”

He was a tough and fair interviewer with Biden. He pushed him hard, but the questions were all justified.

You’re not doing yourself any favors by failing to pay attention.


And then. Not snarking. But seriously, “The pilot of this airplane is sick and needs to leave the cockpit” is, well, only a partial plan.


I hope like hell the debate is cancelled. We don’t need it. Let Biden run on his record. We don’t need verbal pugilism as there is no fact checking, so we only hear lies spewed and Biden can’t share policies. Let Trump run on his presidential record. No debate. It’s absurd to have a sitting POTUS standing on stage with a convicted felon debating


Actually, as long as the moderators change the rules to advantage TCF at the last minute, and then make it worse by letting him riff unrestrained about anything that enters his empty head, there is absolutely no point in having another debate, now or later.