'Do Something' Is Not A Plan Or Wise Counsel Or A Way Out

This interview with Allan Lichtman was shared in one of the threads in The Hive. It’s worth watching and echoes David’s column on the Do-Something! contingent.
Replacing Biden would be ‘folly:’ Historian Allan Lichtman | NewsNation
Anyone who knows how to embed a video is welcome to do so in a reply.


I think we would benefit from agreeing to set aside our qualms and present a united front for the rest of the election.
The reality is that, even when it means lying through their teeth, it’s what we’re going to get from the reactionaries [with occasional passive aggressive exceptions like DeSantis releasing the Epstein materials.]


Yes. Thank you, Mr. Kurtz for that.


OT: Meet the CyberSquire!

  1. That the media is running with flimsy and poorly-sourced stories about Biden’s supposed infirmities is a direct result of his disastrous debate performance and the subsequent Stephanopoulos interview. He needed to shut it down, and instead he has let it fester. It’s unfair, but it’s perfectly understandable that the media would go overboard in response to seeing Biden’s brain fail him that spectacularly.

  2. The Deepwater Horizon oil spill was a tremendous disaster that generated terrible news coverage over the course of months leading up to the 2010 election. It has always been my opinion that the Obama administration’s extended failure to be seen doing something about it was a huge factor in the 2010 backlash election. It’s unfair, but it’s perfectly understandable.


i’ve been around a long time; the current media is lazy and stupid…most have no idea what they are reading is about…it is so much easier to just repeat what some other person said, which is what most of them do. its really weird, they repeat the same narrative, over and over…i don;t listen to any cable ‘news’ i read…ex. the current person doing MTP is so far removed from RUSSERT’S MTP…I just can’t watch it. lol, i always like KEITH OLBERMANN, but he ‘retired’ i suspect because he just would not deal with the stupidity of the power people at MNBC.


Living while old is still living, still growing.



No it was all racism. trust me.

eta: some dumbass breaking the sound barrier.


The media class is committed to torpedoing Biden’s campaign. They demand a speech, he gives one, it isn’t good enough. They demand an interview, he gives one, it isn’t good enough. They demand a rally, he does one, it isn’t good enough. Meanwhile TCF is screaming in all caps on Truth Social, insulting everyone who disagrees with him, and lying and grifting non-stop. But who has time for that - it’s just Trump being Trump. SMDH


Here’s a do something option for Joe: instead of waiting until late September, challenge Trump to have another debate right after the Republican convention.
“I had a bad cold, feeling much better now, let’s do it again! Don’t be a chicken, fatso.”


Nice farthingale!


There is no other choice. Biden may win, or Biden may lose, but anybody they replaced him with will Most likely lose. Harris can’t beat Trump, Harris can’t be overlooked as the replacement. No Harris no campaign money. There are also at least three states where the Democrats wouldn’t be on the ballot and would rely on write in. This whole debate is a monumentally stupid distraction from the truth of the situation and plays right into the hands of the New York Times, who, for some reason would love to have Trump as president.


If a President is suffering cognitive decline, I don’t believe we would ever see a public confirmation from the White House due to the national security and diplomatic ramifications. We don’t want our foreign adversaries to know our President isn’t capable of President’n in a crisis.

So we will only hear sunny reports about the President’s health from the White House. Which could be true! But we’ll never know for sure until years later, when the tell-all books are written by those who were there behind the scenes.


Red Bull gives you sonic boom


You know, that’s actually a fantastic way to pushback against the general assumption that the driver of a Cybertruck has roughly a 99% chance of being a complete douchebag. This guy (let’s face it, we know this is a dude) actually has a sense of humor.


Case and Deaton were also the authors of Deaths of Despair and the Future of Capitalism. Which helps to explain our current political situation.
From the Princeton University Press.
“Life expectancy in the United States has recently fallen for three years in a row—a reversal not seen since 1918 or in any other wealthy nation in modern times. In the past two decades, deaths of despair from suicide, drug overdose, and alcoholism have risen dramatically, and now claim hundreds of thousands of American lives each year—and they’re still rising. Anne Case and Angus Deaton, known for first sounding the alarm about deaths of despair, explain the overwhelming surge in these deaths and shed light on the social and economic forces that are making life harder for the working class. They demonstrate why, for those who used to prosper in America, capitalism is no longer delivering.”


Other than the fact that the journalists in question have no idea how that something is going to be accomplished or even what that something is, it becomes the heart cry of the impotent.


FWIW, Biden did consult a neurologist at the request of his doctor on more than one occasion and the report stated that he has no cerebellar, Parkinsons, or other cognitive issues. It was in his report in April with a more recent update. Biden is aging, he tires more quickly than when he was younger and he has some mechanical issues that affect his ability to walk smoothly, and he usually uses notes to make sure he has his facts straight. He also has a lifelong stutter that is more noticeable when he is tired, not feeling well, or harried.

The one that should be more carefully scrutinized is Mister “healthy enough to live to 200” who drags his right leg, slurs his words, can’t formulate a complete sentence, forgets who he is talking about, and can’t manage a ramp.


Racist backlash explains the GOP turnout. It does not explain the depressed Dem turnout.


Good news this morning.

The CBC, AOC, & Pelosi along with Jeffries are supporting Joe.

Dems will likely weather this media-driven crisis and win in November, according to historian Lichtman, who predicted Trump win. We need an incumbent at top of ticket Lichtman says.

It’s great to hear positive news.