'Do Something' Is Not A Plan Or Wise Counsel Or A Way Out

Ah, I was wondering how the book was coming along. I have it in my pile … somewhere. Good read?



Black House Democrats embrace Biden at another critical juncture

When the naysayers doubted that Joe Biden could win the 2020 presidential primary, the highest-ranking Black member of Congress, Rep. James E. Clyburn of South Carolina, endorsed him and changed the trajectory of the presidential race.

With President Biden once again on the political ropes, some Black members of the House appear ready to rally behind the embattled chief executive, in an embrace that will significantly influence whether he can stay in his reelection race, according to five people familiar with the matter. Like others, they spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss internal conversations.

The importance of the roughly 60-member Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) — which includes Clyburn and House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-N.Y.) — was on display Monday night as Biden met with the bloc in a Zoom call, the first with a group of elected lawmakers. The message that many Black Democrats planned to convey to Biden, according to the people familiar with the CBC’s thinking: We will stick by you as we always have.

In his acceptance speech after winning the presidency in 2020, Biden specifically thanked Black voters, who resuscitated his primary campaign and helped him defeat President Donald Trump.

“The African American community stood up again for me. You’ve always had my back, and I’ll have yours,” he said at the time.

On Monday night, Biden had the same message: “You’ve had my back, and I’ll continue to have yours,” Biden told Black Democrats on the call, according to two people familiar with his remarks.

Biden took questions and asked CBC members for their continued support, said two people on the call, a request considered a sign of respect for a group that has long been considered highly influential in guiding House Democrats through decisions during tough moments over the past several decades.


“President Biden’s call with the Congressional Black Caucus tonight showed his unwavering dedication to our nation’s future and that he is in this fight. He’s committed to fighting for the soul of our nation and Black economic progress, and I stand with him for another four years because he’s consistently stood with my community,” Rep. Frederica S. Wilson (D-Fla.) said in a statement.



Yes, very much so and very readable.


BIDEN was not very vocal during that debate…if anyone should withdraw, its trumpf…he is incoherent, can’t speak in a complete sentence, and when he does speak, what he says is really moronic…it would be great if people spent as much time ‘explaining’ trumpf,and explaining why the moderators did not cut off Trumpf when he lied…


The sheer volume of stories about Biden’s age and possible infirmities is a choice. Floating the possibility that Biden has Parkinson’s on the basis of unconfirmed insinuations is a choice. Postulating that there’s been a White House coverup of Biden’s true condition based on flimsy evidence is a choice.

What IS the matter with these people? Ok, the media are going to horserace jabber, 24-hour-news-cycle demand DO SOMETHING (really like that description of frame of mind). But does the whole Democratic party and apparatus have to be in oblivious self defence mode? The objective is to win the election decisively… WH, House and Senate. And the only best shot at doing that is to mobilize and consolidate aggressively behind the incumbent president and presumptive nominee. Now. Only best means it may not work, but fragmenting internal support and changing horses to… not quite sure who… is INSANE.

One person’s opinion.


Don’t know why, but when I read “Well, they have to do SOMETHING!” in my head I heard Sam Donaldson’s voice.

And let’s face it, the Dems often default to doing nothing or the wrong thing. Why are we still supplying arms and ammo to Israel? Because the Biden administration is afraid to change course.


Pardon my doubt, but is that even possible?


Beryl knocked down a Bucc-ee’s sign. That ain’t right.

I don’t really care for the horse race stuff, literally or figuratively.


I agree. This moment demands calm, thoughtful deliberation. I’m willing to give the Biden Admin the benefit of the doubt that this is occurring. Unfortunately, we have a media class unwilling to match the seriousness of the moment. Either in their lack of reporting about the other parties descending into fascism, or their unwillingness to see this as nothing more than clickbait, trolling. It is up to us to remain steady and hold the line amidst the tempest.



I would feel a little better if President Biden were to see a neurologist for an evaluation and release the results, or to play the kids game of “I’ll show you mine if you show me yours” re: neuro evaluations with Trump. But that’s not going to happen: a neuro consult report is going to be full of CYA caveats.

And for sure Mr. 31 Felony Convictions isn’t going to release the results of a neuro consult.


If Joe does indeed remain our candidate I think his strategy for the next debate should be one deflecting from any question asked and instead launching into a practiced campaign spiel. Just say 'That’s an interesting question but what I think what voters are really interested is how my next administration will be so much different than the nightmare scenario promised by the wannabe dictator and convicted felon at the other lectern . . .

If the moderators are going to coddle TSF then Joe has to be dismissive of the moderators and go on the offensive. It would serve voters much better than being deferential to the corporate media bias.


He is truly the Lord of the Bog of Bogosity.


Israel is our most competent ally in the middle east, get the fuck over it or back Hamas and Hezbollah.

Make yourself clear.


In other news:


So much bedwetting. And we need certainty? WTF! Go coach Pee Wee baseball if you want certainty. Forget about Little League, the parents will tar and feather you. No certainty there. Bill Clinton/Monica, John Edwards and crazy preg girlfriend. Democracy, Anti-Vaxers, Pandemics, Gun Lovers?

Certainty is not on the fucking menu. Plow ahead folks.


Re David’s point about how the media choose to cover all of this: This image of this morning’s NYT, annotated by Marcy Wheeler. Add to this Jamelle Bouie’s remark over the weekend that of all the things journalists pretend to believe that he finds annoying, their pretending that they have no control over “the narrative” is right there.

ETA: I hadn’t seen @davidn’s posting of this before I posted here.


The NYT is basically a Fox News Affiliate for sophisticated people who love the theater and cooking.


Well, look at it this way. At least he couldn’t turn in a worse performance at the next debate, so it’s all uphill from here. Right? Right?


“and adamant about the political price they were going to make the Obama administration was paying pay for it.”


“Do something” should be the first clue with this bunch that they intend to wield “journalism” as a superpower to influence whether things get done and what those things are. “Do something” is their expression of frustration that something isn’t happening and/or that the that IS happening is not to their liking, and it highlights their motive to MAKE something happen…something to their liking…and almost universally “to their liking” simply means “something that will create a story that will generate attention for the author and ad revenue for its boss.”


Just a reminder of batshit crazy (about two minutes of this should be ample):