DNC Will Kick Off With Prime Time Biden Speech

Grew up in Philly. Was drafted in '69. Came home and went there on the GI Bill, so I was a bit older than my peers. the school had just started accepting women. Fraternities and women! Was a bit of a culture shock for this Jewish kid from North Philly! Never joined a fraternity.


How about sec of transportation in the Dem administration?

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OMG Jamie Harrison’s kids are so darned cute and a stirring National Anthem.


Protests seem to be mostly fizzling out. Instead of the 20,000 - 30,000 protestors that organizers claimed would be attending, only a couple thousand folks actually turned up, per the Chicago Tribune.

Oh, and in case you were wondering if the protests are fueled mostly by anti-Semetic idiots who want to destroy Israel, yes — yes they are;

Also speaking was Nesreen Hasan, of the U.S. Palestinian Community Network, who led the boisterous crowd in chants of “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free!”


…and Benihana lost another star chef


My guess is that some of the Republican operatives knew Biden might drop out — inconceivable as that was to Donny himself — but they thought the “Dems in Disarray!” narrative would take hold and there would be weeks of infighting over the nomination and a contested convention. I suspect they were surprised by how quickly it all came together around Harris and by the enthusiasm she engendered.


Part of the RNC’s problem is that they are now solely a host for TSF. NOTHING happens without TSF signing off on it. That’s why the responses have been nothing but petty and shallow mean girl-type attacks.


This is a hard concept for some people to wrap their heads around


Didn’t refresh, but I’ll repeat that I loved the rendition of the Star Spangled Banner. Best ever.


I actually and really believe that he wants to finish his first full term as governor. Don’t get me wrong, he’s not a newbie. He was elected twice as Pennsylvania’s AG before he was elected Governor.

Josh Shapiro is serious, focused, and deliberate. He’s going to be fine. He’s also young, so I’m sure that we have not seen the last of him.


As my nose is still working I think I’ll stay out of @grack ’s house.

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I choked up.

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lol wut? I have not heard about this particular attack on her policies.


I definitely did!

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Nice Welcome from Chicago Mayor, both the speech and the video. Rather makes me long to live in the Chi north burbs again.

Peggy from MN up next, yeah! ETA: with a wholly fab outfit!


WTF what‽

Musk is not a New Zealand citizen, thank goodness.

Thiel became a citizen after spending a grand total of 12 days in the country. That was pre-Ardern.

Here’s a good longform article from a few years back about New Zealand becoming a post-apocalyptic bolthole for the ultra-wealthy:

And here’s Thiel running into some problems getting his bunker approved:

And here’s one of my cats looking at a pork roast:


Speaking as a white guy from the south burbs, why do you want to go up there. Unless you like tuna and mayo tacos.

Maxine Waters with a history lesson about Fannie Lou Hamer.


People, people, you’re all having way too much fun with this - can’t you think of how this is driving poor Republicans nuts!?!

You can? That’s great - so get back at it! :laughing:


Lived in Evanston, Highwood, Skokie, then Highland Park, so familiarity mostly. A highrise in north shore would be great.