DNC Will Kick Off With Prime Time Biden Speech

Shapiro: Trump Is ‘Furthering Antisemitism’ With VP Selection Accusations

“Antisemitism played absolutely no role in my dialogue with the Vice President,” he told reporters in Chicago.

Shapiro was widely known to be in top contention for the spot that Harris ultimately gave to Tim Walz.

Shapiro said Trump was the “least credible person” when it came to standing up against hatred and bigotry.

“He’s trying to use me and he’s trying to use other Jews to divide Americans further,” Shapiro said after concluding remarks Monday morning to the Pennsylvania delegation at the Democratic convention.

Shapiro then said he wanted to be clear: “Antisemitism played absolutely no role in my dialogue with the vice president. Absolutely none. It is also true that antisemitism is present in our commonwealth, in our country and in some areas within our party, and we have to stand up and speak out against that.”


My plan is to add the word “Old!” at the bottom of the neckline.


The baby donation window for the on-stage sacrificial adrenochrome harvesting ritual is around the corner from will-call.

The after-convention BBQ is gonna be lit.


WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—In a move that infuriated her Republican opponents, on Monday Kamala Harris announced that her economic plan would include a $10,000 tax credit for households with cats.

“For too long, Americans with cats have shouldered an unfair burden,” said Harris, who revealed that a household with multiple cats would receive $10,000 per cat.

Shortly after her announcement, Sen. JD Vance alleged, “Kamala Harris, Tim Walz, and their far-left cronies are plotting to turn America into a giant litter box.”

“Mark my words,” Vance said. “If the Democrats are elected, millions of cats will come swarming over the border to give birth to anchor kittens.”


Chuck Todd is truly clueless.


I do hope there is a slot for him to speak to the convention.


I think they really were…they thought they could handle her easy, so they didn’t really put in the time as they figured it was going to devolve into a shootout between Newsome, Whitmer, Shapiro, and maybe several others. Remember, there was a push for a mini-primary, and Harris was being pushed aside. I don’t think anyone thought things would go so smoothly…the exception to that might be Biden, he’s a lot more wily than people give him credit for and he timed things perfectly to give Harris an open 24 hours to gain momentum.

I also think they were not ready because they, as a party, fumbled it so badly. It took days before any kind of organized message or advertisement started, when that should have happened within the first hour. And, you can mark it down to some level of racism and misogyny…I have no doubt Trump figured he could easily beat a Black woman, he’s obviously befuddled that’s not happening and acting on instinct right now.

It’s true they may come up with a response, but so far nothing is working. They have been trying to nail Walz, that’s not working either. And, they are being so petty about it, so obviously they can’t find a big chink in Harris’s armor…I mean, they bitched about her eating Doritos, which everyone at some time in their life has done. As long as Harris and Walz can avoid any missteps I think things will continue like this, and it’s more likely that Trump has a big event (he’s really exposed in a lot of ways) or Vance says something else stupid, plus the Democratic ticket seems much more adaptable to anything thrown at them so they can likely handle any events thrown at them.


Went to Lafayette College a very long time ago. Allentown-Bethlehem-Easton!


I think that there will be.

He’s too popular a governor, too good at what he does (he got the collapsed I-95 bridge rebuilt and I-95 in Philadelphia reopened in 12 days!!), and too much fun to watch speak to not be speaking at the convention. I would be surprised if he did not get a prime spot.

Plus, there is the matter of Pennsylvania being a very important win this year.


That’s it! First it was student debt. Then money for first time home buyers. Now it’s money for households with cats. As a dog owner with no college debt and less than 10 years left on my mortgage, I’m voting for Trump.



By renewable biofuels, of course.


And to think that someone like @grack, who has (I think) six or seven cats now, would get $10,000 per cat!!


He should’ve gotten a lot more than a prime spot at the convention (if you know what I mean, and I think you do!) but this is a happy occasion, so let’s not bicker and argue about who picked whom…



Cleo wants part of the action….


Don’t forget the mandatory gender re-assignments as a condition of entry! /s

I hear the lines are longer for Free Heroin, Election Theft, and Arugula

I was looking forward to the adrenochrome pizza, myself. In Chicago, it must be even better than at Comet Pizza.


The convention has officially started!


Go FDR Go!!!


Very nice! Lafayette has a great reputation.

I grew up just north of Allentown and left the area for grad school, never to return.


Don’t be silly. Cleo’s a Canadian!


NZ has not allowed Murdoch to take over their media the same way that the rest of the English-speaking worlds has, thus the stark, stark differences between their crazies and ours. I doubt it’s the land of milk and honey that Elon imagines it to be. Someone much smarter than me will end up writing a book on this fact in the future