
Oh look! Big Door is squeezing the cheeks of his next wife!

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Complete fakery, as usual.

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it sounds more like a ā€œif you build it, they will comeā€

Or, ā€œYes, Liz Mair is an SOB, but sheā€™s OUR SOB!ā€

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Thank you.

According to the GOP/TP that makes him highly qualified.


Thank you.

Thank you.

Thank you, maybe I should take my show on the road.

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There is a little thing about the term ā€œfelony rapā€ā€¦And that is something I have to constantly think about when I contemplate the enablers of people like Trump and people actually WORSEā€¦the MSM, in the incarnation of reptiles like Chuck Todd and Wolf Blitzer.

There are tens and tens and tens of millions of Americans who literally get their social reality from the MSMā€¦people like Mitchell, Todd, Blitzer.

Felony rap?

I say to myself, ā€œEmiliano, ten cuidadoā€ā€¦because compared to what I feel about the American MSM, what you wrote about the Republicans was a paean of love.


Thank you.

Yes, this operation will require a steady hand and the skills of a neurosurgeon.

Gee, I wonder who we could get?


Thank you.

I agree, emiliano.

Itā€™s aliveā€¦itā€™s alive!!!

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My favorite philosopher there -

People are wonderful. I love individuals. I hate groups of people. I hate a group of people with a ā€˜common purposeā€™. 'Cause pretty soon they have little hats. And armbands. And fight songs. And a list of people theyā€™re going to visit at 3am.

The more things changeā€¦


In a normal political environment Iā€™d agree that would damage him, especially with the GOP base, but this year? Not sure. It would probably just secure the Log Cabin vote and maybe even add a few ticks with the base. All political wisdom is out the window for the GOP. Iā€™m joking, but itā€™s entirely possible the ticket, post-convention, will be "Trump/Live Boy - " or ā€œTrump/Dead Girl 2016ā€.


You might be waiting a verrrry looooong time.


In an excellent biography of the arch-dictator Trujillo. Crassweller thoroughly analyzed the manā€™s character (including all of his inconsistencies) and then concluded that every aspect of his personality, consistent or not, flowed into the gigantic River of his Power Instinct.

The entirety of the Republican Party is what you have observed, actualized by the Power Instinct, which is extremely well developed. to the point that the overwhelming majority of the actions of

  • the 0.001% who provide financing of Republicans

  • the Republican Party itself

  • their mules (their voters)

(regardless of consistency or not) buttress the acquisition and maintenance of political and economic power of the first two groups above (0.001%, and, by extension Republicans, people not prone to a sense of irony).


Weā€™ll see how much baggers value their wallets over country.