
It sucks when you step in it —

And can’t find anything to scrape it off with —

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Nothing is going to purge them of their problem except the death of their base. Within the next 20 years most of these old white bigots will die out.

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“It Came from the Corner Office”

Coming soon to a White House near you. Premiers November 8,2016 at most* voting locations.

  • Must be 18 years or older, with two forms of valid ID. No early voting, provisional or absentee ballots accepted. All voting rules subject to change within 90 days of Election Day.

Chill out, comrades. I think I’ve got this sussed.

After all, iIt was Bill Clinton who encouraged Trump to run, according to reports.

I’m seriously starting to think the entire Trump campaign is one political genius-beyond-genius swiftboating submarine Trojan horse maneuver sent broadside by the Clinton Political Machine to blow up the entire Republican Party once and for all.

(“Blue dress and impeach this, you motherfathers.”)

Here’s to hoping the entire country doesn’t go down with that ship of fools.


Who said that?

George Carlin. I sure miss that guy.


It’s chilling, especially considering they have the media on their side and, with it, all the evidence …

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[quote=“JCBlues, post:3, topic:29263”]
when will the photos and emails of Donnie having an affair with a guy surface…
[/quote]Like that will do anything. Trump will buy up all the photos and send them out as Christmas cards.


I’ll take Donny in the cage match at 2 to 1.
If the Repubs had any cajones in the first place, they wouldn’t have a Trump in the second place.

Trump is on Trump’s side and I’ll bet he welcomes the fight, it only gives him the opportunity to be more Trumpier and to toot his own trumpet.

He’ll sink lower than any victim playing Republican ever has. One thing his money can afford, is a PR team with sleaze factor cranked up to a gillion mega watts.
Poor Donald, why are they always picking on him?


Carlin, of course

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Should have known. Thanks.


Oh…there is this other set of villains I have…

These are the upwards of 60% of Americans who will simply never vote to save their lives. And while the last four words of the last sentence is a figure of speech, here it is NOT a figure of speech.

While other populations of other nations vote in higher percentages, we do not. That is cultural/political/social. Were it not, we would not be such an outlier in the world’s advanced societies.

  • Doing the “:shaming” bit won’t make them vote

  • I am not sure that Bernie would be able to make them vote in the General (were he to get it), although he has to say he could do it

  • Telling them that they are (American) exceptional won’t do it

I have always believed that the inept Debbie Wasserman Schultz should have hired some Madison Avenue folks to do it. After all, if Madison Avenue can convince youngsters that they HAVE to spend $200.00 for sneakers costing three dollars to make, then they can be motivated to save their own lives by voting…because, if and when the Republicans finally take over (and they certainly have the capability because their voting mules are not going anywhere***), their Ass is Grass…Twitter and social media, videogames or not.

*** many people talk about “Baggers dying out”. If that were the case, Confederate flags would have died out when the last Rebel soldiers died out…younger people get acculturated and socialized, especially in the Tribal setup of Bagger mentality


Sad but true. Many people don’t take the responsibilities of citizenship seriously.


Thus becoming consumer-units, instead of full-fledged citizens. Sort of like the 3/5 of a man rule.


We were once a culture, now we’re an economy.

We were once citizens, now we’re consumers.


Ok…so its Friday night, I will go into an interesting scenario

Trump of course goes off about “these very not nice people”, showing him disrespect…so he takes his ball and goes independent.

Which totally screws Cruz, who has been waiting at the altar for Trump to just leave the race entirely.

Carson continues to self destruct

Suddenly, its a race between Rubio and Bush and the Establishment is pleased as punch…

…till they look at the polls and realize, not only do they have no chance to win, they are actually the spoiler tossing the election to Hillary, instead of Trump being the spoiler.


Truth can be stranger than fiction!


I was uplifted by the spirit, spunk and knowledge of people like you and many others when I was convinced that Mr. Obama would not win a second term.

Having theoretical but not really cultural familiarity with this country’s culture (other than a childhood spent with Service brats–very different kettle of fish), I looked to people I thought could give me a feel for what would happen. But I was also looking for cocky, aggressive, assertive pride in Progressivism, instead of this damned handwringing prevalent in so much on our side.

Regardless of how craven the Republicans are they are FIGHTERS. And, I suspect, that is why that 60% which doesn’t vote contains more Democratic wastage than Republican.

These people are going to have to start participating in this Republic.

It’s that Simple.


Old-timer conservatism. Not like today’s young, viral, and violent conservatism.