Indeed. Trump sees these people as servile and useful fools and little else.
Yes, if you consider dog-whistling racist ideas instead of explicitly spewing them an effort to appeal to minorities.
I would agree, but it is very likely that Trump would be elected. Never, ever underestimate the stupidity of at least 50% of the voters. Remember GWBush.
âYour guilty conscience may force you to vote Democratic, but deep down inside, you secretly long for a cold-hearted Republican to lower taxes, brutalise criminals and rule you like a king!â Sideshow Bob
Letâs talk about our clandestine PAC operations in public. Yay!
(rolls eyes)
A little late for that. At this point, if they purge all the crazies and open fascists from the GOP, there wonât be anyone left.
As a liberal, I long for the US to have a sane conservative party.
This will be Trumpâs badge of honor. He will wear it proudly.
Trump ought to keep 'em busy for a while. This must be aggravating the crap out of the Koch boys.
Muaaaahahahahaa! Silly loser Repigâ establishment. You just try to get rid of The Donald. Whatâs that at your door? ___ Think youâre safe?
Eric Cantor
"Money was never a big motivation for me, except as a way to keep score. The real excitement is playing the game.
Donald Trump,"
Heâs gotta be angling for a cabinet post in an HRC administration.
Folks kinda OT but here it is:Crazy out here.
Kansas Asks Its Entire Supreme Court to Step Aside in Key Case
I donât think trying to take him down is a big secret, just that there are some Mr. Moneybags that would rather not have their name on it. Makes it a little socially awkward at some of those big events the ruling class likes to go to.
Or he really is a dangerous psychopath who is capable of anything. Letâs not find out.
This is hilarious! Liz Mair is often a guest on Hardball, so Iâm pretty familiar with her and her tactics. I honestly canât think of a Republican more poorly suited to target their base. I canât name even one who is more out of touch with the party. Think Romney, only stuffier, nerdier, more stilted and awkward, and with far less personality. This would be akin to the DNC hiring Jim Webb to do outreach to minority youth.
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