It is not clear to me what could possibly erode Trump’s support in the Republican base. Really. What? Does he eat deep-fried aborted fetuses for lunch? Seriously, this is a man who has just advocated a completely illegal identification and classification system for American citizens based on religion. This doesn’t hurt him with the base.
Trump’s facisim should really be enough. It is sad that the republicans need more to derail him. Sad that not one republican candidate has shown even a fraction of compassion for the victims of terrorism.
Every other candidate should be denouncsling trump today. Every other candidate should compare him to Adolf Hitler, as no candidate for presidency has ever been so like that hated German dictator.
The Democrats have a similar super secret plan to take down Donald Trump. It’s called Continue to Let Him Talk. It serves the dual purpose of allowing Trump to appeal to the mouth-breathing-nut-job Republicans (I know, I know, redundant) while simultaneously allowing reasonable Americans everywhere to understand the level of craziness that has infiltrated the Republican Party. His supporters may be loud and obnoxious, but they by no stretch of the imagination make up the majority of the voting populous.
Haven’t we heard this before? Same song, different verse. And Trump keeps on getting stronger.
The Establishment is going to try to triangulate between the base and Trump? By bragging about all the dark money they’ve got? Even tea-partiers despise that aspect of their Party. Good luck with that.
There is no bottom to this. Trump embodies the Republican Id.
Since 2009 it has not been about policy, about thoughtfully debating over differences of opinion, or achieving a meeting of the minds.
Republicans nowadays are motivated and fueled by white-hot resentment, ginned-up outrage and grievance. They’re done with politics – they want an avenging strongman to take back their county from the godless liberals and sell-out RINOs.
This won’t end well. As with the article about David Vitter’s fear-mongering, someone’s going to get killed.
This initiative will fall flat on its face! The so-called mainstream/country club Republicans don’t have any credibility with the Tea Partiers which they help create and financed, these people you’ve seem showing up at local town meetings or posting their vile online will NOT listen to these Republicans, Donald Trump and Ben Carson knows which demographic they’re catering to! As long as Donald Trump keeps up with his boorish appeal to nativist, racists, hateful wing of the Republican Party which are poorly educated and prone demagoguery.
The irony is they created this monster in the laboratory and now they (GOTP) won’t listen to its creator.
Rick Wilson, who has helped a new Rubio-supporting super PAC “Baby Got PAC” …
That would be a great title for a PAC if it didn’t imply that the supported candidate - in this case, Marco Rubio - was a whiny baby too immature for the …
You know what, never mind, that is a great title for a Rubio PAC.
Nothing like a bunch of GOP career hacks forming a circular firing squad to expend tons of ammo (money) taking each other down with hideously negative campaigning and stupid, expensive dirty tricks, while the Democrats have respectful debates and actually discuss substantive policy issues intelligently. The voters in November 2016 will have a stark choice, providing they pay attention to the process.
Until Trump decided to run for president, he’d never be caught in the same room with these morons, let alone rubbing elbows and shaking their hands. He has no history of being sympathetic to working class folks…look at those dummies in your attached picture!!!
Voters have had a stark choice for many years now and have continued to put their collective head in the sand. Thus Republican majorities in the US House & Senate and at the state level across the country. Why would this time be any different?
Well, as to the issue of the RNC’s strategy in endeavoring to take down Trump, this IS the party than nominated Romney and McCain to go up against President Obama…