Sorry, Doctor Liar sir, but those of us in the LiteralTruth™
community must uphold our standards. Karma is a bitch.
Trump back on top?
Reaching out to blacks in 1990 . . .
“Trust me, I am a doctor”
Do you think I’m a pathological liar, like CNN does, or do you think I’m an honest person? … I’m going to leave it up to the American people to make that decision.
Other choices that would have been acceptable to our judges:
- pathological
- serial
- habitual
- self-serving
- pants on fire
- area engulfed by flames
- pathetic
- transparent
- fabulist
- delusions of grandeur
- inadequate self-image
- fragile core identity concerns
- deep-seated insecurities
and - generally unstable personality
you do realize the word ''Fictitious" does not appear in the Bible. so STFU.
Another day: more lunacy from this dude.
Well. whatever it was, he sure blowed up good!
‘Blowed up REAL good’
Figure we might wanna get up some o’ them pee-tards.
’ Sounds good to me. Blows 'em all RIGHT up.
I’m not sure which poll you’re looking at but no one’s ever won by a commanding lead in a poll. The doctor is a shiny object much loved by evangelicals but by nobody much else. Let go of your fear and concentrate on this. HRC has a 90% chance of winning the nomination, Ben 9%, and that’s not derived from polls…
Does the name Stephen Glass ring a bell? The New Republic early 90s?
Do you think I’m a pathological liar, like CNN does, or do you think I’m an honest person?
The headline writer is a close second. So often lately TPM headlines have little to do with TPM articles.
Brain surgery on children is far more forgiving than adult brain surgery, due to neuroplasticity in young formative brains.
In short, children’s brains can require around damage in ways adult brains can’t.
Maybe it is just me, but this is about the least troubling thing about Carson. Taken at face value, I don’t really have a problem with him changing the names and identities of the victims of his youthful violence. I don’t even have too much trouble with him embellishing those stories, if that is what he did.
I do, on the other hand, have serious issues with someone who believes in conspiracy theories, seems unmoored from reality and doesn’t seem to understand basic concepts about our government and economy.
What the hell is the “fiscal gap”?
I also love how he is dog-whistling the GOP anti-media memes. You are part of the media if you catch him lying and therefore you are part of the out-group “them”. CNN being the buzzword.
Carson is clearly a liar, but this example is pretty puny. To change the names or other descriptors of characters in events is pretty common. I did it in my book about my surgical training, matter of fact. So this article is click-bait and not much more. His lie about his connection to Mannatech is much more significant and telling about his character, or lack thereof, on several levels.
Honestly (since this is about honesty, after all) after clicking to the article I felt annoyed and disappointed; both in the lack of content and in the suggestion that it was meaningful.
C’mon–are we to the point where we diminish someone because they are pediatric brain surgeons rather than adult brain surgeons? In the absence of contrary data, I think we can accept that he was likely a competent, perhaps even a good, brain surgeon. However, the skill-set necessary for being a good brain surgeon has little to no overlap with being a good politician. Surgery requires steady hands, good dexterity, spatial skills and attention to detail–those things do not enter into politics.
Ben Carson ““I have here in my hand a list of 205 [State Department employees] that were known to the Secretary of State as being members of the Communist Party and I stabbed them when I was 14.”
Not denigrating pediatric brain surgeons. I am pointing out the medical facts that it is far more forgiving than brain surgery for adults.