No T-Rump tweets ?
Or is the Donnie just sitting back and watching as the WittleWeeWee does himself in…
No T-Rump tweets ?
Or is the Donnie just sitting back and watching as the WittleWeeWee does himself in…
OK, so can we now stop sugarcoating this shit and finally start calling the stupid motherfucker what he is: a liar? Oh please inform us, Master Mavens of the Clueless Media!
Dr. Carson recommends watching his biographical film with one eye closed…
“Trust me and not the people that I’m telling you are liars.”
JHC! And they accuse President Obama of being a liar!
“Do you think I’m a pathological liar…”
You bet I do.
I wouldn’t let Dr. Crazy Ben operate on my dead cat let alone on my brain.
So a biography with fictional stories and characters (lies) is defined as what? In bern’s world of religion and 7th Day Adventists:
Pulled from the web…maybe this will help crazy Ben. The dude is whacked out and the media continues to bust him for lies and propaganda. The media is doing it’s job Ben and you don’t like it for one reason - you’re a big fat liar and you can’t be trusted!
Question: “What does the Bible say about white lies? Is a white lie okay if it is told to avoid hurting a person?”
Answer: We know lying is a sin (Leviticus 19:11; Proverbs 12:22). But what about those “little white lies” that involve an ever-so-slight stretching of the truth? Do the small lies matter, or are they harmless? What if telling the truth might hurt someone?
Lying is defined as “making an untrue statement with the intent to deceive.” A white lie is an untrue statement, but it is usually considered unimportant because it does not cover up a serious wrongdoing. A white lie is deceptive, but it may also be polite or diplomatic at the same time. It could be a “tactful” lie told to keep the peace in a relationship; it could be a “helpful” lie to ostensibly benefit someone else; it could be a “minor” lie to make oneself look better in some area.
Some white lies are common: lying about one’s age, for example, or the size of the fish that got away. We live in a society that conditions us to lie by telling us that, in many situations, lies are justified. The secretary “covers” for the boss who doesn’t want to be disturbed; the salesman exaggerates the qualities of his product; the job applicant pads his résumé. The reasoning is, as long as no one is hurt or the result is good, little lies are fine.
It is true that some sins bring about worse consequences than others. And it is true that telling a white lie will not have the same serious effect as, say, murdering someone. But all sins are equally offensive to God (Romans 6:23a), and there are good reasons to avoid telling white lies.
First, the belief that a white lie is “helpful” is rooted in the idea that the end justifies the means. If the lie results in a perceived “good,” then the lie was justified. However, God’s condemnation of lying in Proverbs 6:16–19 contains no exception clause. Also, who defines the “good” that results from the lie? A salesman telling white lies may sell his product—a “good” thing for him—but what about the customer who was taken advantage of?
Telling a white lie to be “tactful” or to spare someone’s feelings is also a foolish thing to do. A person who consistently lies to make people feel good will eventually be seen for what he is: a liar. Those who traffic in white lies will damage their credibility.
White lies have a way of propagating themselves. Telling more lies to cover up the original lie is standard procedure, and the lies get progressively less “white.” Trying to remember what lies were told to what person also complicates relationships and makes further lying even more likely.
Telling a white lie to benefit oneself is nothing but selfishness. When our words are motivated by the pride of life, we are falling into temptation (1 John 2:16).
Little white lies are often told to preserve the peace, as if telling the truth would in some way destroy peace. Yet the Bible presents truth and peace as existing together: “Love truth and peace” (Zechariah 8:19). Tellers of white lies believe they are speaking lies out of “love”; however, the Bible tells us to speak “the truth in love” (Ephesians 4:15).
Sometimes telling the truth is not easy; in fact, it can be downright unpleasant. But we are called to be truth-tellers. Being truthful is precious to God (Proverbs 12:22); it demonstrates the fear of Lord. Furthermore, to tell the truth is not a suggestion, it is a command (Psalm 15:2; Zechariah 8:16; Ephesians 4:25). Being truthful flies in the face of Satan, the “father of lies” (John 8:44). Being truthful honors the Lord, who is the “God of truth” (Psalm 31:5, ISV).
Being a former Pennsylvanian, I can tell you that Joe Paterno was like God to most folks in PA. What a fall from grace
I don’t think that will last very long.
See that’s where everyone is confused.
Dr Nutbag was robbed by the cartoon character Popeye–
(-- in the library!–)
wielding the jagged lid from a can of spinach.
Anyone who’s been to military school.
I don’t know which is more prone to lies, Ben Carson or the TPM headline writer.
Ben Carson.
Well, not only narcissists, but also much more reasonable people.
Eric Ambler’s autobiography carried the title “Here lies Eric Ambler”
A petard was a small bomb used for blowing up gates and walls when breaching fortifications. It is of French origin and dates back to the 16th century. A typical petard was a conical or rectangular metal device containing 2–3 kg (5 or 6 pounds) of gunpowder, with a slow match for a fuse.
What would we do without the Google machine.
Chammy, when I talk to young people in the prime of life, I urge them to think about what they will do as work ends for them. To cultivate hobbies, avocations and multiple interests. Engagement with others.
From what I had heard, Joe Pa’s whole world WAS football.
That’s why he stayed around so long.
Too long
When I taught my last class, I was well liked by my students…but decided that my other interests could sustain me. And I walked away.
When the ENTIRE moral basis of your life is built on lies and fairy tales, it becomes EASY for you to lie too.
This is why RELIGION is so insidious, the mere fact that you “believe” requires you to lie to yourself, so lying to others becomes trivial.
he’ll have to go into sleep mode
He’s not sleeping - here’s what goes through his mind when he closes those eyes: “Illogical, illogical. All units relate. All units. Norman, coordinate.”
I think the headline here gets out in front of things a bit. I’m sure it’ll end up that the stabbing incident was indeed fictitious, and yes Carson did use that word, but to me just changing the name and his relation to the “stabee” don’t warrant that headline.