
Well, I got news for him, if that was what he was trying to avoid (assuming the person exists at all). By now saying its a close relative, he has shrunken the field of people to be interviewed about this considerably, making it a whole lot easier to verify one way or the other.

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Soā€¦heā€™s a liar but itā€™s up to YOU to ā€˜believeā€™ in him or notā€¦got it.

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HE DOEs BRAIN Surgery LIBtard LOSer. AND HE LOVEs JEsUS. THIS renderS HIM INCAPABLE of lying!111!!one!11!!!


This is a pretty sensationalist headline. He didnā€™t cop to the story from his bio being ā€œfictitious.ā€ He just says he used pseudonyms, which is a pretty common narrative device for authors that donā€™t want to name specific people. Iā€™m all for revealing this huckster as the fraud that he is, but stories/headlines like this do a disservice to that end.


Pyramids donā€™t hold grain. Being incarcerated doesnā€™t make you gay. Carsonā€™s biography doesnā€™t hold truth. Carsonā€™s candidacy doesnā€™t hold a chance of success.

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HEā€™s NOT reaching OUT TO BLAcks? DID you WAKe UP TODAY under A ROCK? His CAMPAIGN released AN ADd WITH RAPPING music WITH RAPper OUTreachING TO blaCKs in the ONLY LANGUAge THEY UNDerstAND: RHYMING to A BEat.


This man is an astute marketer, or has one on his payroll, if nothing else. He knew the market for his books would be white evangelicals. He knew that that audience likes nothing so much as a story of redemption. He knew that that audience likes their redemption stories to begin with a character who is really at the bottom, at the beginning, before they ā€œturn to the Lord.ā€ So, he had to add a huge dose of violence, criminality, and even attempted murder to his life story. It sold a bunch of books, thatā€™s for sure. But this should really be the end of his pursuit of political office. The candidate, himself, is mentally unbalanced.


But, but, but, you mean ALL the negroes arenā€™t violent without the civilizing hand of whi-Jesus?

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ā€œDo you think Iā€™m a pathological liar, like CNN does, or do you think Iā€™m an honest person?ā€ Carson said. ā€œIā€™m going to leave it up to the American people to make that decision.ā€

Hereā€™s a vote for pathological liar.

Senator Franken needs to revise Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them to include chapters on Carson, Trump, Christie, etc.


For the same reason that Joe Paterno was an exemplary coachā€¦all while having a stupendous lapse in judgement with Jerry Sandusky.

Or any number of child psychologists raising brats.

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Some hicks in Iowa, neo-Confederates in South Carolina or Hooterville-denizens in New Hampshire will certainly give you the Go-Ahead to Stoopid-Krazy. But thatā€™s all before Nomination-Time.

The American people (in the General) probably will notā€¦and if (by some miracle to all of us) they DO, the G.O.P. will simply self-destruct earlier than scheduled.


The names have been changed to protect the innocent and the events have been made up to boost the author.


Oh! what tangled webs he weavesā€¦

as he hoists himself on his own petard.

Without googling-----who knows what a petard is?


The secular progressives! They made me do it! (I think I need a ā€œSecular Progressiveā€ tee shirt.)

Cā€™mon guys, is this the best ever or what? This batch of grifters easily tops the last one. Obviously this is ā€œThe Producersā€ for sure. He is in this to make money off of running, not to actually be the frontrunner and get reamed for every stupid grifter thing he ever said. What a scammer.

I was just waking up but I swear I heard him say he threatened his mother in the head with a hammer.

Having said that, another sketchy headline from TPM leading one to believe he lied about the incidents whereas it was just the names of the people that were fictitious.

I donā€™t know why but these headlines really piss me off.

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By the Power of Numbskullā€¦

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It is so frightening that while HRC and Sanders are both polling well against the rest of the GOP field, they are getting trounced by this guy.

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ā€œDo you think Iā€™m a pathological liar, like CNN does, or do you think Iā€™m an honest person?ā€ Carson said. ā€œIā€™m going to leave it up to the American people to make that decision.ā€

Iā€™m going with choice C, which is ā€œtotal f-in nutballā€.

To be fair, didnā€™t Obama use ā€œcompositesā€ in his biography? People often play narrative games with a bio. This is nothing new, and I donā€™t really think itā€™s too much of a big deal at this point. There are lots more things besides this that should scare you about a Ben Carson presidency.

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This guy is plum out of his mind.

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