Discussion: Why This Trump-Boosting Ex-Judge Turned Fox Star Has The President’s Ear

D’accordo con te.

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Yes, it is. But, it’s not about Pirro’s potbellied pigs. It’s a description of her and Chiselin’ Trump. At least, this passage is:

They’re headstrong and sensitive, and they demand large amounts of attention and throw snorting, shrieking temper tantrums when their desires are not met.


A whole lot less cleavage than Ex-Judge JP, but here’s another female version of DT

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It appears so. She fawns all over Chiselin’ Trump in much the same way as Harriet Miers fawned all over (or is it stalked?) W.


She’s selling it to people who would do exactly the same if they had the opportunity.

Wow, Harriet could have used some tips. I’m not sure Beetlejuice should be a model for how to do your makeup.

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That’s not DT! That’s Dame Edna, without her eyeglasses.


FAKE speed limit!

It is, indeed, a brave new world.

Trump thinks immigrants with a lottery visa are "the worst of the worst’

According to trump if you are an immigrant you are a bad person. Does that include his wives? Guess not cuz they’re white.

Evey day, every goddamned day trump does something to make me hate him more. And I do not like that at all. I would prefer to ignore him but it is impossible when he continually embarrasses our country.
American was built on immigration. Trump would destroy that ongoing foundation. People used to get ecstatic upon getting a green card or becoming a citizen. With this hateful racist it’s just an embarrassment.
My family cam as political refugees in 1816 but the reasons don’t change…

I guess the only way to know for sure is to ask Trump and even then there is a high probability that he’s lying. But Trump watches Hannity more just by pure volume. And Hannity and Trump are buddies. You have to watch a few of shows all the way through to see how deranged it is

A few tidbits from the New York Times article on Hannity last month.

Hannity and Trump remain extraordinarily close and speak to each other regularly. President George W. Bush once called Hannity, too, “but Hannity’s and Trump’s personalities are much more in line,” a friend of Hannity’s told me, “and they’ve both come from the media world.”


As the primaries gave way to the general election, Hannity and Trump’s campaign staff were in touch on an almost-daily basis. “Occasionally, we’d talk on Sean’s show knowing Trump was watching,” Gingrich told me. “The two most effective ways of communicating with Trump are ‘Fox & Friends’ and ‘Hannity.’

Standards. More people should have them.


Having lived through Watergate and watched every show and read every article in anticipation, the one huge and disturbing difference is the existence of the current right wing media machine and its ability to create a totally different fact free reality. It is the support of that treasonous media that allows our GOP congress critters to ignore every law and ethical boundary being broken and trampled by this administration, and enriches them for their complicity. This simply did not exist in the 60s and it is probably the single most damaging institution we have. You can add up all of the slimy politicians we have suffered through for the last 2 decades and their combined influence does not hold a candle to FOX, Rush and their ilk. It is like having a gang of serial murderers loose and unrestrained in a shopping mall with the one that takes the most victims getting the biggest reward.


Thanks for the link. Don’t get me wrong, I love animals. But what a pretentious acquired taste.I wish the article had investigated where the F Al and Jeanine Pirro heard about pot bellied pigs, and decided that owning some was just the right touch of expensive hobby that would put their Roma Furniture decorated mansion in Home & Gardens magazine.

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After Jerry Jones had his face lift a while back, a woman I work with said “he looks like he was in a fire.” That still makes me laugh.

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Can there be a more loathsome, Smegma life-form than this GOP cretin :question:

Among the cast of thousands spewing bile on fox news, this POS takes the cake - Wonder no more why we’re headed for a constitutional crisis.

He swore to uphold the Constitution NOT to create a Constitutional crisis. But then if we knew then what w know about HIM now, he LIES about EVERYTHING.

He’s a fascists traitor.

Ms. Pirro is of Lebanese extraction and grew up in Elmira. It’s her husband whose family is from Italy. They met in law school in Albany. She once described him as the most intelligent man she’d ever met; but then again, I haven’t heard her say that in decades.

Not that I care one jot about her ethnicity, mind, but I imagine you would agree that accuracy counts for something.

It was just two pigs, named Wilbur and Homer.

[quote]But what a pretentious acquired taste.I wish the article had investigated where the F Al and Jeanine Pirro heard about pot bellied pigs, and decided that owning some was just the right touch of expensive hobby

The Pirros weren’t the only ones. It was, as the kids say, a thing. Mid-to-late-'80s: the Reagan Era.

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She’s a sick joke–a waste of human flesh. Still, I wish my boobs looked that good!

Well thank you. I had no idea she is Lebanese American. I had a crush in my childhood years on Annette Funicello and she kind of fell into my Italo-American type for me from the time most of us became aware of her as a self promoting Westchester County DA.

Ok, it was two pot bellied pigs, again thank you. I had read a brief reference to the pigs in the New York Law Journal during the Al Pirro trial. I am glad you are into accuracy, but I will warn you that I do not intend to look up and verify every detail of every political and cultural memory from the 80-90s before posting here. Feel free to do so. yourself, however…

And in my many hours of reading years old People, Sports Illustrated, Time and every other magazine in hospital and medical waiting rooms, I had managed to reach the age of 62 without having become aware that the Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous vogue of the Reagan and Post Reagan era included the ownership of pot bellied pigs. Some other readers looked it up over 24 hours ago and posted a link to a NY Magazine article contemporaneous to Al Pirro’s trial about the two pigs.

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