Discussion: Why This Trump-Boosting Ex-Judge Turned Fox Star Has The President’s Ear

Pirro being characterized as “everything with Jeanine at that time was self-aggrandizement" says it all.


It’s all about the $millions$ … she’s just trying to catch up with Judge (?) Judy. Please don’t ever let your kids have access to any of those court dramatics … it would screw up their heads with regards to our legal system for the rest of their lives. :no_good:

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When the RMS Trump/FoxNews Titanic finally hits that big iceberg of reality, it’s nice to know we’ll be the ones on the floating door and Donald and Judge Pirro will be the ones whose heads are bobbing below the freezing waters.
Oh, and fuck you, Jeanine.


If it is disgusting there is Trump.


Around the same time Kathleen Durst disappeared in the early 1980s, a twenty-year-old woman in Westchester, two or three weeks away from giving birth, decided to end her pregnancy. She injected herself with Novocaine and cut herself in the abdomen with a scalpel.

The cut was not deep enough and the abortion attempt failed. Had the fetus died, I might never have heard of the young woman — but a baby girl was born a few weeks later; and when the baby died within a day or two, the woman was charged with attempted self-abortion, a misdemeanor.

When she appeared in court with her minister, she was told that the charges had been escalated: prosecutor Jeanine Pirro, known for handling domestic violence, had gotten a grand jury to indict her for criminally negligent homicide and manslaughter. It was the first time in New York that a woman was charged with homicide after a failed abortion.

Attorney Barry Scheck came to her defense. The criminal charges were then dropped because, according to Pirro, new facts had been discovered “indicating improper medical treatment was given to the defendant and the deceased, which could well have constituted more immediate contributing causes of death.”

The young woman pleaded guilty to the original misdemeanor and was discharged unconditionally. Years later her attorney, Scheck, went on to found the Innocence Project.


She lets Trump probe her with . . . . . .questions. And she gets to grab a hold of . . . . . the executive branch . . . yea, that sounds right.


When this is all done and over, what about a serious discussion on malignant narcissists and their affect on this country. This natural selection process we seem to have keeps leading to these twits.


I’m sorry but she’s a lying, trashy witch. She may be smart, she may be ambitious but she lies and screams and whines and snivels and doesn’t care WHO she throws under the bus as long as she’s out in front…now who does THAT sound like?


This just isn’t true. Not even close to the truth. I’ve watched nightly as Adam Schiff, Eric Swawell, Richard Blumenthal and others do exactly what you’re talking about. There’s no Democrat who doesn’t vociferously defend Mueller at every turn. It’s every night on All In, Maddow, and O’Donnell. It’s also at every hearing and in every damn appearance on cable news when the topic is discussed. You can’t get through an hour of MSNBC without a Democrat defending Mueller.
ETA: And as if to prove my point, at 9:30 on Stephanie Ruhle’s show on MSNBC everyone, although not elected officials, defended Mueller.


As someone who grew up in and resided in Westchester during her tenure as judge and DA I can attest to her awfulness. The previous DA Vergari was a far more Mueller like professional.

She protected the powerful including her husband. Numerous wrongful convictions including a murder case. If NY had the death penalty she would have innocent blood on her hands.

Yes, she consigned those tax returns which included deductions for of all things a pot bellied pig and a Ferrari. If it was anyone else Fox would have Jesse Waters interviewing the pig.


If there ever was a must read laying out how Mueller will be done in, this is it (link below). Even if you don’t read it all, scan over the “6 phases”. The recipe is all here.


“There is a cleansing needed in our FBI and our Department of Justice,” the former judge said in a remarkable opening monologue on last Saturday’s installment of her weekly Fox show “Justice With Judge Jeanine.” “It needs to be cleansed of individuals who should not just be fired but who need to be taken out in handcuffs.”

All true, but i’m pretty sure she’d be down with those particular folks and their motives and would thus defend them; were their actual crimes to become known.

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Seems like “she’d do anything”…


Hey TPM, if you have a copy of the original photo used in this story please post it. Unless the original was also photoshopped, the last time I saw this photo, trump’s paperwork in his hands on the desk was the coupon section of a newspaper.


What a cute photo of a smiling, lying sycophant posing with a smiling lying psychopath!


She is a female version of him. Ick!!!


And what about the subsequent photos?


Oh, Donald, you’re such a bad boy!

And, Jeanine, you’re a fox.


It is Pirro who should be in handcuffs for reckless endangerment. Perhaps she expects to get off with a slap on the wrist because she’s Trump’s flunky.