Discussion: Why This Trump-Boosting Ex-Judge Turned Fox Star Has The President’s Ear


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Signed fraudulent tax forms, been under federal investigation, TV whore, racist, fascist - no wonder she and Trump they get along so well. If only she’d been a 10 instead of a (insert your own number here) and younger and stupider, she could have been his fourth wife.


Well said! She’s another useful idiot who knows better but also knows how to sensationalize her broadcast presence. Notice that she totally skips over an investigation, indictment, trial and then a verdict. Oh, but no! To play up to Trump and his minions, it’s arrest them, take them out in handcuffs and literally execute all perceived (or real) anti-Trumpers!

I’ll give her credit: she knows how to play Trump like a fiddle!


“Justice with Judge Jeanine.”

“Fox and Friends.”

Must-see-TV for the Toddler-In-Chief.

This is what happens when they tell Joseph Goebbels how to get to Sesame Street.


Why This Trump-Boosting Ex-Judge Turned Fox Star Has The President’s Ear

Alex, I’ll take “Breast Enhancement Surgery” for $1,000, please.


Yeah I agree, big boobs…that she can put over both of his ears at the same time?


I agree with her on the process - firing and handcuffs. I disagree with the specific location and the specific people who should receive this honor.


What do you expect from a person who drives 119 mph and doesn’t realize it?


Ah yes, the incompetent attorney who let Robert Durst slip through her fingers


Who goes Nazi?
Judge Pirro goes Nazi.


It’s well past time that Democrats in D.C. pull their thumbs out of their asses and start publicly supporting Mueller and start aggressively going after the GOP/Fox traitors who are smearing Mueller and the FBI. Pirro is such low-hanging fruit—taking her down would be child’s play for anybody with a particle of retail political ability. C’mon Dems, take the bats off your shoulders and start swinging. At least pretend to be an organized political party that is interested in advocating for your supporters. Go after Pirro with a portion of the zeal that you went after Franken with.

The lack of leadership from Pelosi, Schumer, Gillibrand, and other leading Dems on this so far is disgusting. It can’t be encouraging to those on Mueller’s team.

I know Andrew Sullivan should be taken in small doses, but he describes the situation accurately here:

"And yet this still feels like a phony oasis. A huge majority of Republicans stuck with Moore and Trump last Tuesday. And we’ve learned one new and sickening thing this past month: Republican tribalism demands that the Mueller investigation be aggressively smeared in advance, its findings preemptively discredited, and its lawyers smeared for political loyalties, even when there is no evidence that this is affecting the special counsel’s work. In much of Trump media, Mueller’s alleged corruption and bias are fast becoming an article of faith. Night after night on Fox, it’s an endless diatribe against the special counsel, a constant drumbeat of propaganda about a “tainted probe.” Central to it is that waddling eminence, Newt Gingrich, who is openly arguing that Mueller is engineering some kind of coup against the will of the Trump masses.

This is not just from the media fever swamps. Take even formerly “Never Trump” National Review, which this week gave prominent space to an essay that draws this conclusion: “By now there are simply too many coincidental conflicts of interest and too much improper investigatory behavior to continue to give the Mueller investigation the benefit of doubt. Each is a light straw; together, they now have broken the back of the probe’s reputation.” The House Judiciary Committee’s grilling of Rod Rosenstein this week also revealed a near-universal Republican consensus that the investigation is rigged. E.J. Dionne recently noted “the statement of Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, that if every member of Mueller’s team who was ‘anti-Trump’were kicked off, ‘I don’t know if there’d be anyone left.’” Jordan also declared that “the public trust in this whole thing is gone.” Ben Wittes is rightly worried that the House Republicans “are braying for actions inimical to the very idea of independent law enforcement. They are doing it about someone, Mueller, with whom they have long experience and about whom they know their essential claims to be false.”

The behavior of the Democrats in this situation is all too typical—instead of pushing back immediately months ago on Gingrich and the others who started smearing Mueller—the AWOL asleep at the wheel Dems have completely abdicated their role in framing the narrative, which the Republicans now have firmly established and control. It’s exactly what the Dems did in the early stages of the Tea Party hysteria over “Death Panels”—essentially nothing.

Good luck turning things around now.


Birds (Loons?) of a feather flock together. Oh and this.


Where were the tiny little fingers on his right hand when that photo was taken?




“…the President continues to solicit Pirro’s legal advice.”

Ahaaahaaaa! Oh my sides, MY SIDES!!

Her felon husband stepped out on her and started another family with his goumare! Can’t say as I blame the poor guy!


Sigh. In NY we have been tired of both Trump’s and Jeanine Pirro’s incessant self promotion from the late 70’s on. She should have been convicted when her husband was. His criminal trial revealed that he and Jeanine had a lifestyle the opulence of which would have made Caligula cringe about it’s over the top lack of taste. They had invested in and owned a herd of exotic Vietnamese pigs, which they apparently kept in their Westchester Mansion. As the child of an Italian immigrant to this country, I can tell you that she belongs in the same group of Nouveau Riche fascist racists as Carl Paladino and Al Baldasare, two other sycophants of Donald Trump as well.


I had to look that up and found this… the end description is hilarious: http://nymag.com/daily/intelligencer/2006/10/whats_up_with_pirros_pigs.html


Well said!

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Is she a SCOTUS nomination waiting for an opening?