Defense Secretary Mark Esper ‘Has Been Terminated,’ Trump Says In Tweet | Talking Points Memo

Jayzus. Couldn’t have happened to a nicer human being.

I am almost as moved to tears as I am every time I see the clip of Lou Gherig retiring from the Yankees.


I read somewhere it was the changing of names of Confederate generals on all those military bases so that the Confederacy could feel they at least had sovereignty over those reservations of their Ante Bellum existence.


You are either really lucky, or your aging memory is starting to filter out inconvenient stuff.

She was a regular talking head on MSNBC when she was an Ohio state representative. She used to appear on segments about Ohio GOP voter suppression. She started crossing the line one night when they had her on over some reproductive rights issue the GOP was pushing and she shouted about three times in her allotted answer time that the Republicans “need to get out of my panties.” Which wasn’t in good taste the first time she said it.

Later, she got her feelings deeply hurt when the Clintons (as a couple) who had previously endorsed her, did not endorse her for Mayor of Cleveland run (I THINK that was the position for which she was trying to run).

You’ve probably seen her at some point. The Washington Post found it fit to publish a column of hers on Sunday warning that all those people she caused to turn out and vote would be very angry if Biden did not declare the Socialist Republic or recognize the Working Families Party and some other folks’ contribution to the turnout.

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I recall that she ran for Secretary of State – and Bill Clinton endorsed her.

More than that this affiant cannot say.

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Ok. I will concede that. But I think there was another position she sought where she did not get their endorsement.

Are you saying I have to fucking look up everything I post? I think that is what you are saying. If I remember this correctly, the first time you corrected one of my posts, it was because I had overstated the number of Vietnamese pigs that Jeanine Pirro and her felon husband used to own. If you are saying I have to look up everything I am gonna say here, Ima challenge you to a duel. If they are not legal in NY, we will have to find someplace where they are…

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Close enough.


That is the kind of moral reasoning I truly admire.

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Ugh. I swear, Nina Turner nearly single-handedly put me and a number of people off Bernie even as a ‘he’ll pull the discussion leftward during the primaries’ voice last time around. I mean, look, I get ‘angry’. I get ‘focused’. Any goddamn, but there’s plenty of reason to be angry, and African-Americans should be. After all, as Anansi said: “Angry… gets shit done.”

But that woman does not project righteous rage. She projects obnoxious hyperpurity. She stops shit from getting done, by making people want to oppose anything she says.

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I know this will upset the TPM comment software, but your reply just triggered another pet peeve of mine dating back to 1980 when I began practicing in NY.

This “More than this this affiant cannot say,” boilerplate has always struck me as weird. First of all, it just feels like culturally, it is not Anglo Saxon. It feels like someone made a direct (and nuance ignoring) translation from Spanish. Second of all, it always immediately brings to mind, to me at least, Roxy Music’s More Than This.

Have you ever had similar thoughts when drafting or reading someone else’s affidavit?

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O, the Tales I could tell!


The question is … Have I ever not?

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þon ma þe þās, æwda ic nāh cweþe? (TOTALLY KLUDGED TOGETHER)

  1. There was, in Puerto Rico during the 60-70s, a journalist for the San Juan Star, I think his name was Eddie Lopez. And I am not sure, because I refuse to look things up. But I think Eddie Lopez on occasion would pen a parody Op Ed, sort of like Amanda Petri does regularly at the WaPo. One of them was a letter from a Puerto Rican man named Candido Flores to one of the American Presidents. I think perhaps Lyndon Baines Johnson. But pretty much everything in the letter was hilarious direct translations from Spanish.

For example, the letter was signed by, “Candid Flowers.” He also translated the expression “Aun abrigo la esperanza” ( I still harbor hopes that) as “I still overcoat the grasshopper.”

I tried Googling it a few years ago, but am easily frustrated and I am not sure The San Juan Star has been digitally archived.

  1. Thank you for admitting to having had similar thoughts. I have been haunted my entire adult life by worries that having thoughts like these might mean I was just weird…but not excessively worried…
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Alexandra Petri:

When I first knew this kid, she was still below the legal drinking age.

(Don’t tell her I said that.)

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I truly appreciate your lawyerly citations.

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Nevertheless, A for effort!


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Ya know…if we were not friends, and I was not a nice guy, I might react to this comment by telling you to fuck off.

And, as per TPM software annoying pop ups, I invite other members to join this highly exotic thread of comments between @cervantes and myself. OK? Happy TPM software?

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It wouldn’t fool anyone.

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Nina Turner… I dismissed her a long time ago. One of those folks who let the celebrity of politics control their mouth. What’s with the gravitas?

“Half the country voted for Trump. These people did not buy a pig in a poke like in 2016, these were people who knew what they were voting for and voted anyway. It’s appalling and horrifying, but these people are not monsters. These people are our neighbors and our relatives. These people are us, and we need someone who can teach us to love them again.”

Yes they are monsters. They cannot have both willingly voted for what you say is appalling and horrifying and not also be monsters. Because monsters do appalling and horrifying things by nature Mr. Jillette. It is not us that needs to change to accept them. It is THEY who need to change to accept others.

That must have been some party.

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Hell of a hangover, when you can literally hope you live through it.

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