Discussion: Why Fox News' Defense Of Megyn Kelly Is Going To Backfire

An excellent piece. Well done!


I find Amanda Marcotte to be one of the most incisive opinion writers around today. I find myself agreeing with her about as often as I agree with Krugman, which to say, almost always. And this article is no exception, except for one thing: I absolutely do not do believe that dropping an N-bomb in public would harm Trump’s primary candidacy in the slightest. Just more of that straight-talking no PC foolishness talk that these people love.


Ailes pretending to be a journalist is dead on, remember Faux News is under the entertainment branch of News Corp not the news division.

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Trump need not worry. Morning Joke at MSNBC is now in full Trump Support Mode. Joe, who never fails to remind us about how his important connections tell him tales all the time and that he practised law will be unwavering in his current mode: worship at the altar of Trump and denigrate Hillary Clinton. And some of the clowns at the table smile and go along. they too scared that Joke will jump on them. And the cash is welcome. Only Howard Dean does not put up with Joe’s Shit.

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Jarvis, more popcorn please. The action is heating up, and I don’t want to be starving for nibbles when the Grand Implosion actually happens. Damn, who knew that a Clown Car falling apart could be so much fun. Film at 11 on Fox!

I do worry a bit about that when I see these reports of Trump supporters harassing people.

The SA started out as a disorganized bunch of nativist, anti-intellectual pathetic losers. And then Hitler came along and organized them.

It could happen again.


I agree with the thrust of the article but I also think it’s focus is partially misplaced as it assumes that the intention of Fox News’ campaign is to get Trump to apologize or back down.

I don’t think that’s what this is really about. I’m guessing it has a lot more to do with the internal dynamics of Fox News.

AiIles needs to smooth the ruffled feathers at home, and control the level of internal discontent.He also probably needs to convince female viewers that they’re not the pigs well all know them to be. The last thing he needs is Megyn Kelly or any of the other women who work there to walk out and functionally validate everything the left has said about Fox and the right being sexist assholes. Who knows what grenades would get fired off on Kelly’s way out. Her stock is high right now exactly because she’s viewed as being tough and willing to ask hard questions of her own side. I’m sure CNN or even CBS would snatch her up in a heartbeat. And they’d get a tell all book to boot.

On top of that, their response fits the alpha dog code to a T to have O’Reilly and Hannity out there “chivalrously” standing up for their girl. That doesn’t mean they actually care, but it’s what they’re SUPPOSED to do. So even if they fail in getting Trump to shut up, and of course they will, this shows they take care of their own. They don’t lose face if they put up a fight, only if they walk away from one.

So, I think on this score, Fox is not failing at all. The perception that Trump is winning really doesn’t matter if it keeps people watching the shit show.


Michelle Obama started a program to encourage exercise and healthy eating, and conservative media reacted like she was holding a gun to your dog’s head and telling you to eat broccoli or the pooch gets it.

Makes me want to dig up my old Lampoons:


Donald Trump could set the Pope’s puppy on fire in Times Square, at high noon, on Easter Sunday, and the right-wing nut gallery would be all like “Well, that puppy had it com’in to him anyway!”


One of the things I hate most is getting poked in the eye — What is worse is that I always seem to do it to myself ----

I think the author underestimates the amount of tribalism involved in the modern conservative movement. A lot of conservatives will have no problem defending Megyn because she is one of their own.

I agree. Luntz sees the nasty and feels the danger. There is real danger involved for RW pacifiers. The base has gone off the rails, they want blood. Because they keep losing to Democrats they will settle for the no good lying bastards who set them up to lose…the Republicans.

To think, all this non journalism stuff with fox gaining speed and headed for the toilet, Over A Woman.
Nobody could have seen this coming. ha ha

You’ve been frightening me lately. Mainly because you are good at articulating my fears and who the real victims will be if someone like Trump gains even more traction.

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Well written, Ms. Marcotte. Thank you.

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I agree with NCSteve, as well. When I got to the part about dropping the N-Bomb might be a line too far, I thought, nope – not now. It’ll just gain him more hardened support and probably draw in some more who were on the fence about whether or not Trump is a serious candidate – because, I believe many in their sphere would think it brave and right to “take back that word.” Seriously sick, sad and scary.


I actually had this impression during the debate — that Fox was doing its best to play kingmaker and derail Trump’s campaign before it got off the ground — just as they did their best to talk up Marco Rubio and show him in the best light.


I have seen no evidence of real preoccupation among the young in the U.S. at this prospect. No, I am not talking about the very visible minority of kids who, for example, made up OCCUPY participants. I am talking about the bulk of people (of all races) who are simply not interested in ANYTHING “happening again”.Most do not have the experience of living through a rigged Latin American election. Most are not up on the Third Reich (unless they have some sort of professional and/or academic and/or ethnic interest). Most, quite secure in their conception of their own power (social media, texting, cellphone constancy) are dismissive of the power which comes from policy, which comes from elected officials, which comes from voting (which people as dumb and backwards as FOX viewers nevertheless understood when Democrats tried to unseat Scott Walker in a recall election years ago).

The situation is precisely the same as if NASA announced a meteor collision with Earth in 2023, about 40% of the country actively railed against NASA for saying this (like Baggers), and the other 60% yawned and rolled over in their cots…Well, Climate Change alone will finish us (whether or not Ailes and FOX can continue to make a buck), unless we can, not reduce carbon emissions, but remove some of the carbon already there.

And, like I indicated above, 40% of the country actively disagrees with the idea of electing someone to deal with the Climate issue…and the other 60% have not elected officials capable of moving the government and country toward a rescue which is just as important to the earth as one from a meteor.

How the Republican Party attains more votes than from about 9% of the population (thanks not only to TeaBagg zeal but non-Bagger somnolence) will forever be a mystery to me.

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The best commentary on this issue I have read.

Because telling the difference between her and all the other bottle blondes on Fox is impossible?