Discussion for article #239797
This can be explained much more simply. Ailes’ move to defend Megyn Kelly is going to fail because his network has taught its viewers to be critical of talking heads who veer off script, and give aid and comfort to politicians who are “victims” of professionals actually engaged in the process of journalism.
People are choosing the strongmen over their preeners for the main event.
You thought the 2012 Rmoney hangover was bad? Wait until you see the Trump car go up like the Hindenburg.
I feel extremely gratified that g-d, who takes such an admirable & understanable interest in the doings of politics in the USofA, when he should (just my opinion g-d, don’t get all pissy with me) be taking care of the rest of the universe and it;s many dimensions, chose to make Trump a republican rather than a democrat. Thank you, Amen.
Great image and very apt.
FOX is simply reaping what it has cultivated for years. And Donald Trump is as much a misogynistic monster created by FOX and its wretched denizens as by anyone else. They elevated his candidacy early and they enabled him mightily. So watching these FOXpukes writhe and groan, especially Roger Ailes, as they try to deal with the fact they have placed themselves squarely between the ratings they sorely want and Trump brings them in spades and the damage he does to their special and wholly owned addict, the Republican Party (and tangentially Megyn Kelly), is amusing.
Trump’s rabid and ranting followers are going nowhere. Trump owns them and they are also natural FOX allies. FOX crosses them at its own peril at present (*In the future Trump will certainly need the FOX outlet, but not now.) …and Ailes knows it. Trump IS a ratings juggernaut (and FOX reaped huge ratings after the first debate.) at present and Ailes will find it hard not to find some way to appease Trump. Pass Ailes the antacids… Rock meet hard place! Love it!
This affair threatens to be detrimental to everyone involved. And it is a wholly Republican phenomenon.
Mmmmm…pass the popcorn!
Has going to have to share his antacids with Rinse Pubis…
If fox wants to get back at Trump, they should fire Kelly. The foxbots would go apeshit crazy.
Weird. Twice now I’ve agreed with Ms. Marcotte.
Either her pieces are getting better or my mind is slipping.
Well, this certainly would be a good time to agree with her.
If Faux News argued before SCOTUS that it is an entertainment channel, not a news channel, how does old Roger expect anyone to accept his assertion that Kelly is a great professional journalist? Regardless of the merits of the assertion, how does Faux have it both ways? MK is either an entertainer or a journalist; and, SCOTUS ruled the former…
There are some lines that Trump could cross that would derail his campaign. If he insulted Christians, perhaps. If he cracked and actually used the N-word, that might do it. If he went beyond just saying nasty things and honked someone’s boob in public, that might be a step too far.
You would think so, but I’ve seen no evidence that Trump’s supporters would bat an eye at any of these.
Can you imagine NYTimes or Washington Post demanding apologies from Sarah Palin every time she uttered “lamestream media”. Ailes is forgetting that he’s supposed to be pretending to be a journalist.
What does Ailes intend to do if his demands are not met? Deny Trump media coverage? Slander him more than the other candidates? Attempt to sabotage the course of a U.S. Presidential Election because his employee is not shown the proper respect and deference?
Trump is funny clown. Ailes is a scary clown.
Baggers will find other “information” (read: narcotic) outlets. But weakening FOX in any way sends knuckle-draggers TO these outlets, thus diminishing the idea of ONE MIGHTY SOURCE (FOX), which has used that aged, fearful audience to amass the reputation of the “top” news network.
Non-FOX viewers have already spread their allegiances to a myriad of other sources…The Web, MSNBC, Al Jaz., various “Mainstream” outlets, etc
tell a man that sexist language isn’t cool
Of course the sexist elements are yuuuuuge but Trumpzilla’s tissue-thin skin would tear regardless of race, creed, color, personal wealth or sex. The giant lizard feels Megyn wrote or was told to write particular, killing stroke questions exclusively for candidate Trump and he wants an admission of this. He’s gross and unfair and giving every example short of executing a schoolboy on camera of being unfit for the presidency but he makes his own media killing stroke question with his hunt for an honest answer to this aspect of the debate planning.
This is media kryptonite and the rest of the media knows it…
The Donald using the n word would increase his popularity.
If he cracked and actually used the N-word, that might do it.
I am not too sure about this though. Whats wrong with Slavery is now making a comeback in that circle. Too much PC has been labeled as a problem as well. I think evolution to use of N-word would fit in well for republicans/conservatives.
Trump using the N word will get him higher poll numbers.
Trump is starting/continuing a WAR with Fox because it will JUSTIFY and ALLOW him to run as a Third Party candidate if the GOP establishment/elite takes him down.
Trump wants FOX to go after him because he has already threatened to run as a Third Party candidate IF the GOP establishment doesn’t treat his candidacy with respect. He’s simply playing both sides against the middle.
He’s got them by the…!
“Either her pieces are getting better or my mind is slipping.”
Weird, I read that as “… my mind is sharpening.” - just sayin’
There is simply Not. Enough. Popcorn.