Discussion: Why Fox News' Defense Of Megyn Kelly Is Going To Backfire

It’s all good fun until the day you wake up in a one party racist authoritarian patriarchic hellhole.


The neat irony here is that the old seekers of racist authoritarianism are in the position of having to trump their very own monster…(and the longer this goes, merely to save themselves much less have any pretense of winning.)…They know Trump would be Stalin by erring default if not intention and not their Stalin.

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Poor conservatives… it’s easy to imagine why they feel so victimized and persecuted. It seems you can’t be a misogynistic, racist, hate-spewing homophobe these days and catch a break.


Has anyone at FoxNews apologized to Rosie O’Donnell?
Has anyone at FoxNews apologized for the constant barrage of sexist comments and insults from programs like “Fox and Friends”?

Only now that it’s THEIR “golden girl” taking fire do they see a problem?

Sorry, not buying it.


There are plenty of comments out there on the interwebs that Kelly is a liberal working for the liberal media Fox News. Reality has long left the building in Wingnutland.


Do you agree with the writer’s prediction that this will all backfire on Fox?
Not sure I do. This presumes a certain consistency of thinking in right wing circles that I don’t actually think is present. We’ll see.


You got me thinking about Hitler’s SA (The Brownshirts) who acted as street-fighters, people who intimidated and paramilitary functionaries and were pivotal in his rise the threshold of legitimate (electoral) Power.

After the SA had outlived its usefulness (upon Hitler’s ascension to power after 1933), they were either disbanded (the lucky ones), killed or (especially the younger SA) conscripted into the Wehrmacht (and we all know about the 4,000,000 German servicemen who subsequently died at the hands of the enemy)

The thing is, behaviour which is the result of this kind of emotional manipulation is difficult to mount some sort of “logical” or “sensible” argument against it.

For one thing, it’s attractiveness is BECAUSE it is hurled at the hated “intellectuals”

For another, as you pointed out earlier…the left side of the Intelligence Curve, wickedly exploited by FOX (abettors of discord), MSM (appeasers of discord) and Republicans (profiteers of discord), all of whom should know better


Of course they won’t. Fox is riding this for all it’s worth (at Kelly’s expense it appears). She has nothing to fear as far as job security goes. She’s Fox’s female maverick, and this will just increase her popularity. Win-win for Fox.

It presumes a certain consistency in feeling, not thinking. And I believe there is ample evidence that her assumptions are correct on this point. Fox rushing to defend Kelly, after they largely threw her under the bus the first time (Hannity was basically giving Trump a handjob on his show immediately following the debate), is a bit like trying to patch a dam with a piece of tissue paper.


My thoughts also!

We haven’t had a superhero movie out in a few months. Give it time.

Yes you are ‘just sayin’


I have heard this for years, too. However, per Snopes, not quite what occurred. http://search.atomz.com/search/?sp-q=Fox+News&x=22&y=10&sp-a=00062d45-sp00000000&sp-advanced=1&sp-p=all&sp-w-control=1&sp-w=alike&sp-date-range=-1&sp-x=any&sp-c=100&sp-m=1&sp-s=0

ETA: Fox is still scum.

I think there is a very real possibility of it. We already saw Fox cave on this once. And having seen the comments over in the Fright-Wing™ end of the blogsphere over the initial Kelly/Trump dust-up, I think Fox is playing with fire.

Even the long-time GOP messaging guru Frank Luntz is in panic mode (shaking legs and all) over seeing the monster they have unleashed (not Trump, but the base that supports him):

After the group viewed recordings of Trump’s political flip-flops and remarks on women, the individuals reportedly said they liked Trump even more.

“You guys understand how significant this is?” Luntz asked reporters, according to Time. “This is real. I’m having trouble processing it. Like, my legs are shaking.”

“I want to put the Republican leadership behind this mirror and let them see. They need to wake up. They don’t realize how the grassroots have abandoned them,” Luntz continued. “Donald Trump is punishment to a Republican elite that wasn’t listening to their grassroots.”


Sadly true.

The problem they have is that MK is a huge star – someone who might be able to topple Bill O’Reilly. They really don’t want her to go to another network. She’s one of the few people who could conceivably lead a competitor to a victory against Fox, and they treated her terribly in public.

I suspect that people at other networks reached out to her when this happened.

Fox is schizophrenic. On one hand, it’s a political operation, but on the other hand it’s a lucrative business. MK brings home the bacon in a big way.

That’s why Trump is so great. Josh wrote about it – how he spreads chaos and dissent among right wingers wherever he goes. He’s putting a lot of stress on Fox with his MK bashing. Maybe he’ll even manage to break it apart.

Finally, the right wingers are getting the candidate they truly deserve.


Fox only targets its viewers’ reptilian brains. They’re discovering that lizards can sometimes be difficult animals to train.

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I long ago mused about what would happen if BaggerNation actually knew the cannon-fodder role it serves for the 0.001%. If BaggerNation had privy to the actual conversations of people like Luntz, Murdoch, Rove, Gingrich, Ailes, Armey and all the other Trail Bosses of the Right.

As they gaze in to the sunrise and say (to the ramrod Talk-Radio and FOX Schedulers of the Bagger-mules):

“Head 'Em Up…Move 'Em Out!!”

In a backhanded sense, we now have an Oligarch tellin’ 'em.


**** “men can’t have anything to themselves anymore."****

They sold their wee-willie-winkies to AshleyMadison?

Twitchy is run by Jesse Malkin, Michelle Makin’s houseboy husband, who suckled at the taxpayer teat for years at the Rand Corporation to support his putative pull-herself-up-by-the-bootstraps “conservative” wife while she cranked out the anchor babies and her usual bile for no-readership local newspapers on the west coast.