Remember who the Nazis focused all their rage upon; Intellectuals, Unions, Gays, non-whites, Liberals, and anyone who believed in the rule of law and functional representative government over the rule of the mob.
Sound familiar?
Is that the tissue paper Hannity used to clean up after his handjob? Or am I mixing metaphors here?
The Norse people loved Berserkers when there was war, they made effective troops. The problems came after the war was over and things had to get back to ‘normal’. Then Berserkers were not the kind of neighbors you wanted over for dinner.
Berserker is also a pretty cool album by Gary Numan.
“There are some lines that Trump could cross that would derail his campaign. If he insulted Christians, perhaps. If he cracked and actually used the N-word, that might do it. If he went beyond just saying nasty things and honked someone’s boob in public, that might be a step too far.”
He’s already gone as far as this but if he did use the N-word or insult Christians sadly the Conservative Entertainment Complex would view it as a charm as part of his non-PC appeal.
Political correctness only works if there is power behind it. The left in the US has no power.
You want to see real political correctness look to McCarthy and the Red Scare. That truly ruined people’s lives, not merely hurt their feelings.
It is way past time to call out “political correctness” as just another rightwing fraud.
Megyn Kelly should directly attack or sue Donald Trump if she believes that she was unfairly attacked, that her religious liberties, conservative feminism, her professional and political correctness standards, First or Second or Fourteenth amendment Constitutional rights etc. were violated.
Using Roger Ailes and the other blondes on Foxy News to take down Donald Trump’s surging campaign is a big mistake that she will regret. She should attack Donald Trump with her case and her grievances herself. She should do it publicly on Foxy News instead of Twitter.