Pure Trumpian domination-degradation. Trump uses the death of a man’s son to turn him into a mute, ventriloquized lackey.
That we are having this debate proves that Trump is utterly inept. Even a total sociopath can pretend warmth and understanding. Simple human empathy seems to be completely beyond him.
Excellent analysis of the situation. Your opening is right on. I think I would not give Kelly as much benefit of the doubt that you do but I agree with your post. Good job.
Congress and their Republican leaders have clearly shown they have no spine when it comes to doing what needs to be done about a totally incompetent, mentally and emotionally incapacitated POTUS. I don’t have a high opinion of the Orange Dotard’s “generals” but if they stand between us and nuclear war then I want them there.
Politicization of deaths, huh? Trey Gowdy is shocked, shocked I tell you!
Kelly is the Fred to child Donald. There is no hope for Donald, he is the disaster 40% of the population voted for, God help the USA
Why? Because she’s Black and likely voted for Clinton. Already suspect and the Rep. is a Dem. In FoxLand, thats pretty damning.
FamiLy iS smEaring tRump becAuse He’s whitE, fuRther prOving thaT blAcks juST liE abouT Trump.
I’ve got no more fucks to give to Kelly, Mattis, Tillerson, Mnuchin or the rest of the Trump Administration. They are all enabling the mad asshole in the White House and have forever stained themselves with his indelible excrement. I’m very sorry for General Kelly’s loss and thankful for his service to America before he joined up with Two Scoops, but playing party to the array of Donnie’s despicable lies, willful misstatements, sowing of discord and fear, and hypocritical and anti-American actions has demeaned both.
Oh and Sarah, honey, Trump decided to politicize all of this by wrapping himself in the flag when it suited him or jacked up his base and then shitting all over it the rest of the time. Whether it’s threatening the free press, demeaning Gold Star families, or treating non-Trumpers like they’re not even Americans, he’s proven himself to be unfit, unable, and un-American.
Fuck all of you and what you’re doing to this country.
OT: Well, on a positive note at least Sanders wore black for the press briefing, and not that black net atrocity, either. It’s the little things I satisfy myself with now-a-days.
It’s scary how well you channel the mindset of his Trumpanzees.
Seriously Respectful is NOT telling the widow that :He knew what he was signing up for"…That statement is not Respectful, here is a witnesses account of what happened in the Limo, Trrump’s conversation was overheard by several witnesses,
Why would the attackers have better firearms than our fallen troops??? The attackers wouldn’t have any have anything jto do with the country of chad and their oil?
So why is Kelly the go to guy when Trump wants to confirm his godliness?
Why don’t you show some respect, Sanders?
So now Trump not only disrespected the spouse of the fallen soldier, he essentially has accused her and his mother of being liars by denying his callous remark to her.
Unlike many Americans I have have no particular respect for someone who has been a Marine. I do, however, have great respect for patriots. John Kelly?
General Kelly is beginning to look decidedly Kubrickian.
Everything Trump touches turns to shit.
hot air.
Trump keeps pushing his wraiths off the cliff to soften his own fall. People who do Trumps bidding get no respect nor deserve any. Kelly has already ruined any legacy he might have hoped for.