Discussion: White House: Kelly Thought Trump's Call To Soldier's Widow Was 'Respectful'

Kelly is not a good guy. His venomous resentment of President Obama spilled out into the public in totally inappropriate ways, and reports of his conduct as Donald’s head of Homeland Security before he was brought in as what political Washington gushingly deemed the “grownup” in the Oval Office are deeply troubling.

Nevertheless, he’s in kind of a bad position here. Either he remains diplomatically silent and allows Donald to continue to use him as both sword and shield, with these iterations of “General Kelly Sez!” used to blow smoke on a whole set of issues, and the implication that he has actually said these things, and approves his name being thus invoked: or he goes on the record to confirm or----more likely, at least under oath----deny this spew of nonsense attributed to him, in which case his tenure at the White House is pretty much finished.

If he were a truly good man, he would take a stand. But perhaps he has persuaded himself that Donald would be even more dangerous if he weren’t there to temper the old idiot’s misconduct—in fact, General Kelly may have made the most fatal mistake of all, and fallen for his own good press.


So Kelly thinks its ok to call a widow a liar?


Man lies with dog, finds self covered in fleas.


Somebody needs to be shamed and shunned by his military peers. I do believe that will happen.


If Kelly thought that call was “respectful”, then Kelly is even more of a complicit asshole than I have been saying he is.


Sure, that’s why Kelly rushed out to defend him.

And let’s get real here. I bet you $100 there IS a recording and Trump knew it. Trump heard a gloriously sympathetic, empathetic, magnanimous phone conversation in his head…one that was no doubt appreciated deeply by the lowly serfs who had been contacted directly by their Dear Leader. Everyone else who listened to the recording knew it was a fucking disaster and told him to shut the fuck up while deleting it.


I think we know by now that just because Huckabee says it doesn’t make it true.


Pressed on whether Trump’s remarks about Second Lt. Robert Kelly’s death themselves amounted to a politicization, Sanders said, “He was responding to a question and stating a fact.”

Well here’s the problem Sarah Trump did not state a “fact” or “factoid,” he made shit up. Trump when brought up Kelly’s son it was deflection and diversion, not a fact.


We all expect a paid hack like Sharia Manatee Sanders to lie her cellulite-infested ass off, but Kelly must be aware of how dishonorable he is to allow Trump such blatant latitudes regarding fallen soldiers. What a coward.


John Kelly dishonored himself again. How would have have felt if President Obama said this about his son?! He let trump use his son’s memory to to bash President Obama.


That’s the most insightful analysis of Kelly’s position that I’ve read - thanks for expressing (so much better than I could) what I’ve been feeling and thinking.


I think we know by now that if Ma Hamhock says it, it is most assuredly a lie from the pits of Hell.


If Kelly had any honor left, he would be looking for one of these


“I think that Gen. Kelly is disgusted by the way that this has been politicized"

So Kelly is disgusted by Trump politicizing fallen soldiers.
Got it.


“I think that Gen. Kelly is disgusted by the way that this has been politicized and that the focus has become on the process and not the fact that American lives were lost,” she said. “I think he’s disgusted and frustrated by that. If he has any anger, it’s towards that

Reporter: “Can we hear that from him?”


This coming from a guy who deferred from nam 5 times…

Trying to make a equivalency between the claim that obama never called kelly when his son was killed to trump making a phone to the mother of a dead soldier and blaming the soldier for his own death… yeah…i get it…NOT


Kelly gets more wraith-like by the minute.


I’m supposed to believe Kelly was listening in on the calls to bereaved families? As sort of the grown up in the room?


Kelly should have learned from the experience of Colin Powell. I don’t think he was too stupid to learn, so I’m guessing that ambition might be responsible.