i’m going to be on here during the Dem forum hosted by Rachel Maddow tonight at 8 pm EST…if anyone cares to join me, we can post our thoughts on this thread, periodically. Enjoy it.
So (so!!) many of these folks act as if the GWBush years never happened – that we went from Bill Clinton straight to Barack Obama, and that the fault lies with the blacker of the two.
I am incredulous at this sort of assumption because I know they can’t be that blatantly stupid as to not remember the horrid eight years when the Republicans ruled the roost. But … they won’t even admit to voting for the bastard in many cases (at least the few to whom I’ve spoken). Selective memory, re-interpretation, etc. Facts, be damned, they!
Will MSNBC be running this on line, do you know?
Ahhh … I’ watching it on line right on.
How you gonna win over that voter, Ben?
If Carson or Fiorina think they will ever get enough votes out of these racist/sexist fools, well, they’re the bigger fools.
For the last time, Obama isn’t running. Why do we care now about the narrow minded bigots who insist on demonstrating their ignorance/stupidity about the guy in the White House anymore?
No one’s heart or mind is going to be changed on this topic because a GOP candidate for the office say he or she won’t stand for it. But it no longer matters. Obama will be President until January 2017, no matter what these ignoramuses believe.
Move on.
Hmmmm — Dictators torture people — He needs to be reminded just which administration that was — Carly can’t get past “fetusgate” ----
Just watched Martin O’Malley…Just affirmed my previous thought after the last debate…I think he would make a good running mate with Hillary. Groom him to be next in line after her. He’s charming, handsome, charismatic, really smart…and the basis of the character Tommy Carcetti in The Wire. A lot to like about him.
The same drooling idiots who cheered every stupid thing that was uttered by Dumbya and denounced you as anti-American if you didn’t join the chorus of adulation. Now they want to make it all go away.
These nutjobs are convinced that Obama will never voluntarily leave office. He is going to somehow declare Martial Law, confiscate everybody’s guns and declare himself President For Life. This is why he must be impeached NOW.
Every week I think it can’t get any crazier. Then it gets crazier…
At least she didn’t correct him with “Well, he’s not as black as Ben Carson.”
Minor correction: These slack jaws call it Marshall Law.
Let them focus on Obama. Maybe it’s like walking and chewing gum. They can’t Obama bash and Hillary bash at the same time.
Like “The Plan”. The New World Order is coming…
That he is.
I will use a word I discovered on a British site to describe him. He’s a munt.
Old fart in New Hampshire says what? Christ, this country frightens me sometimes.
You could have cut off the headline after “Carly Florin fails.”
Some people frigging well refuse reality
From dictionary.com
a person exercising absolute power, especially a ruler who has absolute, unrestricted control in a government without hereditary succession.
In America laws are written and passed by the Congress and sigbned by the POTUS so by definition his power is restricted and he cannot be a dictator.
And He ain’t no Mooselim.
In Australian slang I know what that means, But in Africa it means something utterly different. What it means in Britain I cannot guess
Munt - a male *unt