Discussion: WATCH: Carly Fiorina Fails To Correct Man Who Calls Obama A 'Black Muslim'

Like any common snail, she leaves a trail of slime wherever she slinks.


When you wonder why they hate President Obama so adamantly, this is it. It’s all about the black with these people. The Muslim part, ehh, really secondary and they can’t “prove” it, but the black, oh that’s right out there. That’s what it’s all about with the modern Republican party.



So who ever said that doing the right thing will get you votes in a republican primary?

“He doesn’t want this country to get ahead,” the man said as Fiorina started to turn toward another table. "He doesn’t. He’s a Muslim. He’s a black Muslim."

A textbook example of a non sequitur.

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They have been dying to call him “boy” or worse for 7 years now. It’s killing them!


Obama’s race gives their rage a focal point and that special, rancid intensity. But let us be clear: ever since 1980, these people have believed that Republicans have a divine right to rule, that elections are just silly little ceremonies we have to legitimate the divine order and that, therefore, any election a Democrat wins is necessarily won by fraud. They will fixate, on command by the people who tell them what to think, on any personal characteristic they can to make the winner “other,” but they’ll rage just the same. Bill’s penis, Hillary’s gender and a few slurs about her sexuality, Obama’s race, Bernie’s self-proclaimed socialism, but rage they will. This is how they roll now, and will for the foreseeable future.



To be fair…I was 4 in 1980, so I don’t really recall much of that building sense of GOP entitlement during that time period.

While I agree they will find some way of creating “otherness,” I do think the blackness factor holds a very VERY special place in their hearts…moreso than gender or, given the Cold War generation’s slow demise, being a socialist commie pinko.


Prove it? They don’t need to prove it. They know it.

Another profile in courage. Seriously, is there anyone running for the GOP nomination who isn’t a sniveling coward when addressing the truly demented among their base?

If you had ever spent one day living under a real dictator, you stupid bastard, you’d know better than to acknowledge the fact on national TV, because you’d know what would happen if you did. They’d snatch you up within a half-hour and if you ever made it home you’d be a broken, shattered shell of the stupid, ignorant bastard you are now, and the only purpose you’d have left in life would be to show other people what happens if they dare to say one fucking word of complaint. Too god-damned stupid to know how lucky he is. Pathetic.


“If you can convince the lowest white man that he’s better than the best colored man, he won’t notice you’re picking his pocket. Hell - give him somebody to look down on and he’ll empty his own pockets for you.”

~ LBJ to Bill Moyers, ca. 1960, Recounted in “What a Real President Was Like,” Washington Post, November 1988.


Oddly enough, I can think of one who might–I say might–correct the man: Sen. Lindsey Graham. I don’t think his sexuality–or the questions about–is what keeps him polling next to zilch. I think it has to do with Lindsey’s lackluster appearance and personality coupled with the possibility he actually possesses some true integrity not a high amount, but some). Plus, he is already a longtime “D.C. insider.” Seriously, I re-imagined this scene and put Graham in Fiorina’s place. I can honestly say that I think Sen. Graham would stop and correct him – if only on the “dictator” part and maybe a passing reference (again, maybe) to something like “regardless of his race …”


Graham surprises everyone, probably including himself, every now and then. But he’s got this weird thing where he’s the old Charles Atlas ads on acid—sometimes he’s the 98-pound weakling who bulks up and biffs the bully, and at other times he’s the bully too, kicking sand in his own face and daring us all to figure which is the real Lindsey. Sexuality-schmexuality, if he’d just figure out what he wants to do about his ambiguous integrity maybe the rest of us could get a better fix on who he is.


The food in that joint isn’t very good either (I lived and worked within a few miles until a couple of years ago) , so an attack of hateful, bilious racism is predictable about when the check arrives - particularly if you’re a steady consumer of Faux Noise, as I’d bet my last dollar this bozo is. I’ve said it before, but it bears repeating: New Hampshire is trending steadily away from its Republican past, due significantly to immigration from Commie-pinko Massachusetts, less than twenty miles down the road. These fuckwits are fighting a desperate rear-guard battle - and they know it. Still, it’s embarrassing to have to share the state with troglodytes like this guy.


All candidates have prepped themselves for these interactions. They’ve all clearly had time to practice. They’ve watched John McCain correct that woman in 2008. They’ve seen the outburst about “Muslims” at the Trump rally. So the decision was made that this is the optimal response : “Well, time to do something different in many ways.”

This is NOT a misstep or gaffe from Fiorina.


“Anybody other than the dictator we got up there now,” the man told Fiorina. “And I mean that. He is a dictator.”

Dictator. You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.


I’m old enough to remember, and Steve’s point will be borne out vividly if Hillary wins, or Bernie for that matter. Hillary especially, though—there’s something about her (assertive womanhood comes to mind) that drives the wingnuts into spittle-flecked frenzies of rage. I remember bumper stickers about her in the 90s. It’s equal-opportunity vituperation, I guarantee.


and that is why Obama destroyed the economy with high unemployment, cratered everyone’s pensions and 401(k) plans by causing the stock market to plunge, caused gas prices to soar through the roof, and greatly weakened the nation’s security by getting the nation bogged down in two incredibly expensive and incredibly unnecessary wars.

Wait, what?


Apparently that does not extend to speaking the simple truth.