Discussion: Trump: TrumpCare Failed Because Of Democrats!

This is the “Nuclear Option” video, amiright?


Stealing is the sincerest form of flattery. Love it.


Yeah if it wasn’t for those damn democrats the GOP wouldn’t have to actually do any work


Donald, How many Republicans voted for Obamacare? 0

Democrats, unlike your party, are not willing to take health care away from people.

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Will the so-called POTUS sit down at the adult’s table and fix the parts of ObamaCare that need fixing? No?

The GOP plan is to defund and defang Obamacare to a point where it has no chance to succeed and “point the finger” as people crash and burn financially. Good plan if you are an asshole with $millions. This is what trump has labeled his #MAGA plan?

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Trump said, was that he “learned a lot” about how legislation gets pushed through.

OMG. He never passed his 12th grade Government class? It must be tough to have never understood how American laws work now that he’s pushing 71. OTOH, it could explain his business dealings.


Ah, Donny? If something they opposed fails, that means they won. They beat you and your party. You lost, bigly. Because of this, and all of your other screw ups, your presidency is already a failure.


Typical right wing response to failure or criticism. Take what the left says and parrot it back. Right wingers are racist? No, libruls are. Trumpers are sheep being led to an authoraian government? No, libruls are sheep.

If they’d passed their bill, and caused millions to loose care, they’d have been responsible. But they didn’t, so now Donnie says dems will be responsible when Obamacare fails. In an alternate universe, where Obamacare was as evil as the bill they just lost (bigly) at, this would be true. But we’re in this universe, so that claim is just another right wing parrot. No surprise, I doubt Donnie has had an original thought in his life.

One benefit of the failed repeal process, Trump said, was that he “learned a lot” about how legislation gets pushed through

Well color me amazed. I didn’t think trump the incurious had any learning in him. Actually, I don’t believe him; he’ll make the same mistakes next time.

And I think the losers are Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer because now they own Obamacare. They own it, 100 percent own it.

I’m sure they would be happy to own the legislation, but they don’t own the sabotage. That’s 100% republican owned.

So: “We lost the game because the Democrats failed to score an own-goal for us.”

Isn’t it great to see the Democrats hold together in the opposition. Keep it up, guys.


I wish i could thank god for the democrats stopping rhe trumpcare bill, but there is no god and the dems were finally smart and stood out of the way. Now its time to filibuster ANY supreme court nominee until the next election voters decide (GOP rules). I agree with the GOP from 2016, 8 is adequate.

The Repubs display moral and ethical bankruptcy and it’s the Dems fault? Trump is a jackass!

I’m so proud of the House Dems for how they’ve handled this. I’m so proud of everyone who got involved in this fight. I’m really proud of America right now.

We did this. Americans did this. It also keeps people from drifting away from the activism they got involved in - it worked and they can take enough satisfaction from that to stay involved - which is awesome.


Can’t we say, at this point, that this President is not faithfully executing the Office of President of the United States?


Pretty sure that horse left the barn by mid-afternoon on Jan 20.

That is hysterically funny.


trump is still in the learning curve. He says “I didn’t say we’d do this on day 64.” That’s true since he said several times in the campaign “Day One” for the repeal and replacement of the ACA. He had thought governing was easy …that he could be POTUS and conduct his personal business no sweat. Yeah…sure.


Damn those Democrats…I’m going to show them what I think of this outrage by…um…indulging in a drink and some music!!

Happy Friday, Democrats. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Been in meeting like this with ignorant managers: No sir, the way it works is…No, sir we can’t change the law… No sir, as I just explained… Yes sir, every time…No sir, as the lady said… Yes sir, this really sucks…

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