Don’t say you weren’t warned.
"If you look at the — every death is a horror, but if you look at a real catastrophe like Katrina, and you look at the tremendous hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of people that died, and you look at what happened here with really a storm that was just totally overbearing, nobody has seen anything like this.”
Demented Dotard Donald uses words that form incoherent sentences. Can we get a doctor to affirm that he is still thinking coherently?
actually, DOTUS TRUMPf, VLADAMIR PUTIN., and assorted RUSSIAN money-men, are working out a deal to buy PUERTO RICO and develop it into A TRUMPf,RUSSIAN resort…they will offer to buy up PR’s debt, for pennies on the dollar, remove the current population and name the place TRUMPUTIN ISLAND… the native population who refuse to leave will be placed in a theme park…to be called DONALD’S DEN…
Not at all. The butthurt ones seem to be the Bros, Sis’s, Sarandons and Stein/Johnson supporters.
I always said they would fuck things up and then demand that people “Dooooooooooooo something” when they helped elect the Orange Shitgibbon and everything went to hell.
[quote=“coprophagoussmile, post:33, topic:63193, full:true”]
No! Mulvaney said we need new deficits so we can grow our way out of the debt!
[/quote]Not deficits caused by spending on disaster relief to help save lives and help people recover, Silly. Deficits resulting from strategically targeted tax cuts.
All of Trumpie’s blather raises the obvious question:
HOW in God’s name can the GOP craft a budget that balances when they are proposing a tax cut so huge it will gouge
out 1.5 TRILLION in revenues, even as they propose to spend hundreds of billions more on defense, a border wall and hurricane relief.
The obvious answer is that they cannot and the solution in their minds will be massive gutting of all social safety net programs. You can see it already. CHIP didn’t get renewed, and as Charlie Pierce predicted, it will be 3-2-1 until we find them using possible renewal of that as a CHIP for trade for their inheritance tax elimination.
As Charlie says…these truly are the f…king mole people.
Trump finds it extremely rude of the hurricane-struck to be making these demands for reconstruction funds at a time when he is trying to sell deficit increasing tax cuts for the rich.
Read that this AM off twitter.
“before returning to one his favorite topics — himself and his own performance.”
Hopefully CNN will have that quote on repeat during Orange Foolius’ viewing hours.
If your husband used the word “crap,” he’s a saint!
Yeah. I have a bad feeling that I do not want to see the numbers that will come out eventually. They are going to be godawful ugly. Yugely ugly.
Death, chaos, confusion, suffering, despair, hunger, pain… TheRealLucifer in Its element.
When you’re famous, they let you grab 'em.
Trump’s public remarks contain echos of his discussions with advisors. From what he said today, you can intuit their conversations:
“This Puerto Rico thing is gonna bust our budget!”
“Those Puerto Ricans need to step up and not expect us to do all the work! Where are all their truck drivers?”
It’s simple - Trump is proof that God is indeed, either dead or has just plain given up on us.
I agree that would be interesting, but I think President Pottymouth is keeping a lot of reporters very busy. Mel’s immigration status is so little league compared to her husband’s numerous misadventures.
The only question I have at this point is
Damaged personality in decline or willful chaos or both?
I am beyond any belief that so many of the outside influences are a just is in lieu of purposeful. So at this point, is he equally purposeful, following orders or just a failing mentality is useful by that alone to outside influences. ?
Ok, that was basically two questions.
Why if it’s “Out of Whack” are you CUTTING the $$$ coming in with “TAX-CUTS”?
‘proud’ more haven’t died like in Katrina and the Vegas shooting is a ‘miracle’.
You’d think he was president of a third world country. That we didn’t have modern infrastructure and disaster planing, and military operations that should be able to handle this if there’s good leadership. Of course we don’t have good leadership and unfortunately, he is driving the country into third world status.
Too much brown