I got nothing
There at this point is nothing to say
Then I guess we shouldn’t provide tax relief to the 1% until the budget is back to normal.
translated : when our budget deficit is much bigger than the last one Obama had, it’s all Puerto Rico’s fault.
I think we’re all feeling a little out of whack for the last 10 months or so due to Shitstorm Donald.
All the money we unexpectedly had to spend on Real America®©™ due to these natural disasters had nothing to do with it!
Well, they were spared the horror of having a woman President who used personal email , so they’ve got that.
I totally expected to see a claim from him that they need the tax cuts now more than ever. Even though he didn’t say that, I am 100% certain that there is no plan to reduce proposed cuts.
Hell no! Tax cuts pay for themselves! Everybody knows that!*
(You know, except for anybody with even the slenderest grasp on reality…)
Since a president should lead by example, Puerto Rico should be allowed to follow this president’s example and tell the Vulture Capitalist bondholder to go pound Maria-eroded beach sand up their puckered, wrinkled, white assholes…
In Trump world: Helping Texas = in whack. Helping Florida = in whack. Helping Puerto Rico = out of whack. I don’t get it. Actually, I do…
“We saved a lot of lives. If you look at the — every death is a horror, but if you look at a real catastrophe like Katrina, and you look at the tremendous hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of people that died, and you look at what happened here with really a storm that was just totally overbearing, nobody has seen anything like this.”
It’s a fucking miracle, I tell ya.
“I hate to tell you, Puerto Rico, but you’ve thrown our budget a little out of whack, because we spent a lot of money on Puerto Rico."
But, about that money - you owe us, big time.
Just like: Black shooter = Thug. Muslim shooter = Terrorist. Left wing shooter = Communist. White shooter = Mentally ill lone wolf.
I can’t read Melania’s name tag. Does is say: “Wife III”?
Is there ANYONE who’s got the guts to say that what we need after a series of expensive disasters is a tax INCREASE?
How about an emergency one-year 5 cent a gallon federal gasoline tax to finance disaster relief? Is that really politically impossible? How many Americans would really carp about it?
Don’t forget “Country music fan”!
That would have been the GWB play.
“I’m sorry you’re not feeling well, honey and that you’re in hospital. But I really want to tell you, you’re busting our budget.”
Funny how that happens.
I worked with an accountant once, who said, “A budget is something to vary from.”
At least he didn’t act like a petty 10-year-old by ignoring Mayor Cruz.
At least he took his hood off, before addressing the group.