I have tried to make sense out of that last sentence. I even tried to diagram it; I couldn’t do it. I am not even sure what the subject and predicate are. I think he is saying because Puerto Rico did not suffer as many casualties as the US mainland during Katrina, Puerto Rico has been spared a “real” catastrophe. I guess having your power grid destroyed, your water contaminated, and your agriculture and tourism impacted for years should not be considered a big deal.
A miserable, lying, out of touch POS; that’s who we have sitting in the White House today. Shameful.
Frankly, I have more respect for culturally and societally bankrupt Trump voters in WV than Stein voters in (name any location).
Trump is unaware the death toll has not been updated in roughly a week, and thus is a further sign that the system has collapsed under the dual strains of natural disasters and an apathetic executive.
Pay before you pump, Puerto Rico!! All I gotta do is flip a switch and those pumps shut down!! You hear me!!?? I know those speakers work, I just had them fixed. And put out that cigarette!! Damn, you can’t tell these people anything.
Shorter Trump: We already spent the rainy day funds on the white places. Yeah sure you got hit hard but don’t whimper or someone will say it is my Katrina! And besides, if we treat you right I can’t get my tax breaks that I and the rest of the one percent deserve.
Tx didn’t, Fl didn’t, reduced Taxes for the rich won’t, 700bln for National Defence didn’t, wars around the world won’t, Citizens United has no bearing, but that Island surrounded by the ocean has.
@tena Yup
Every single day something more callous and outrageous than the day before.
It just goes beyond anything experienced before
Where is the outrage that would have brought down any politician prior to 2016
It’s the frustration that wears you down.
The never ending frustration and feeling of helplessness
A sociopathic monster.
A favorite part of the WaPo article which covered this disgraceful story. So typical.
Trump’s mixed reviews for his response so far, however, did not stop him from lavishing praise on himself and his administration. As the president, clad in a black windbreaker and khakis, departed the White House, he said Cruz has “come back a long way,” before returning to one his favorite topics — himself and his own performance.
Dont send any aid to texas or florida. They have already gotten their share last time.
It’s her Slovenian airlines return ticket.
That, uh… may not age well, Donald.
No matter the data points, the conclusion is always the same. There’s a reason they hate science. It requires having an active, curious mind and a willingness to discard ideas not borne out.
Enough from all of you. Don’t make me close this thread.
I still wanna see Mel’s immigration papers. Why is some intrepid reporter not digging into that.
She promised a press conference. Perhaps the lawyers were too busy contacting the Russians or Mueller.
If you look at the — every death is a horror, but if you look at a real catastrophe like Katrina, and you look at the tremendous hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of people that died, and you look at what happened here with really a storm that was just totally overbearing, nobody has seen anything like this. And did you know river otters eat crayfish? Nobody knew that, but they do! Clouds are made of water vapor! I thought of that, just now! Tell your friends! Here’s something interesting about cows, nobody knows this, let me tell you…"
Meeting with hurricane survivors after the meeting, Trump wished shelter-bound Puerto Ricans: “Stay thirsty mes amigos.”