This is extortion, pure and simple. He’s telling them if they don’t start singing his praises, he won’t request, and possibly would refuse to sign, a budget allocation to send emergency aid.
Extortion of American citizens. Congress must investigate.
What makes it different is that Congress has seen fit to deny Puerto Rico of the right of every State and mainland municipality AND DONALD F. TRUMP to declare bankruptcy. That, and Fred Trump’s Klan inspired dinner table banter during Donnie’s entire life about those black folks and those Puerto Ricans to whom he would not rent his LeFrak City competing outer borough apartments.
Yeah I agree that the issue of whether or not Mel came to America legally is small potatoes in a normal administration but the orange shit stain has made legal immigration a cornerstone of his so this becomes another major hypocrisy issue for her/him. They promised to reveal the tax returns and her immigration papers after/if he was elected so let’s see the damned paperwork Mel.
Trump opened his remarks on hurricane recovery in Puerto Rico by thanking the elected and appointed officials seated around him, with one notable exception: the mayor of San Juan, who Trump has relentlessly attacked after she criticized the federal government’s response to the massively destructive storm.
And today’s trip to Puerto Rico is Trump at peak performance. This is really the best he’s got, the best he can do, him giving it his all - well, all of his all that ‘those people’ deserve.
ETA: I think it’s about time for an ego-boost rally.