Discussion: Trump Teaser About Tues. Rally Fuels Speculation About Palin Endorsement

Oh, I am sure it will be a Game Changer III. Mark Halprien is definitely going to be there to cover it, right??

Or his too busy covering the Al Gore campaign that is overtaking Hillary and Bernie?

And don’t forget Halperin’s hour-long ad with Heilman for Bloomberg News daily on MSNBC … and to think we once had smart, interesting shows with Joy Reid and Alex Wagner.


$ister$arah’s AZ House on market

This is going to be hilarious if it pans out. Apparently it was broken by a couple of freepers stalking FlightAware who found a private jet flight from Anchorage to Des Moines yesterday, which is the same way her announcement as VP in 2008 was scooped. Amazing what you can find out with way too much time on your hands.

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“DT” ? Yes, that sounds just about right !

Please, please, pretty please, bring on Grizzly Mom and her daugthers… (I assume DT is paying better than Cruz ?)

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I am deeply troubled to be living in a universe where an endorsement from Sarah Palin has any meaning at all.


Hell, I’m going to go ahead and predict it now: Trump wins IA, NH, SC, NV, and cleans up nicely on Super Tuesday. There’ll be no brokered convention, no horsey race, no intrigue. The only mystery at all will be how the establishment copes…pills, blow, alcohol, or some combination of the above.


Jeez, after so much bad face work she’s starting to look like Popeye…


In golden words she will quack in your ear
But her lies can’t disguise what you fear
For a golden girl knows when he’s dissed her
It’s the kiss of death, for Mr. Goldfinger

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JF Jr. already promoted Trump by having him speak at the LU MLK Jr. day.

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I’m looking forward to the “autopsy” on November 9.


And lots of pancake…

Pretopsy…some Trump masses show, most aren’t registered.

There was a film I saw called 8MM.

The protagonist entered a world which went more and more perverse as he went along. What we are calling “Republican Politics” has been on that trajectory for many years…and the slipperiness (and angle) of the slope has increased, especially after the election of Barack Obama. The perverse expressions of the current GOP do have some limitations.

But fewer than you think.

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Not even Trump is THAT stupid.

But would Dennis Rodman sell well in Iowa ? If DT drags a rabbit out of the hat, it better be a white rabbit, right ?


It’ll be yuuuuuuuuuge!!! The yugest endorsement of all time!!

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Her?!? Why on Earth would I care who this idiot wants to endorse? That goes double for Falwell, who is now well on his way to complete senility.

Because it would annoy Cruz, if she did ?


Stephen Hawking thinks traveling through a super massive Trump could safely get you to another universe but you’d never be able to return…


As if there was any doubt. She’s been making kissy-face noises at him all year. His rise is the direct result of the Palinization of the GOP. The idea that she was an acceptable vice presidential candidate and the MSM’s complicit normalization of her incendiary speeches (and the violence they provoked) are the things that made Trump possible.

Of course the reigning Durp Queen is going to crown him Durp King at the Durpcoming Dance. Most heavy-handedly obviously foreshadowed development since Anakin Skywalker’s turn to the Dark Side.