Discussion for article #244844
Oh, I am sure it will be a Game Changer III. Mark Halprien is definitely going to be there to cover it, right??
Or his too busy covering the Al Gore campaign that is overtaking Hillary and Bernie?
As her family’s fortunes slip into ruin, she desperately hopes to be Trump’s Vice Presidential pick so that she can make more money.
Given that she’s the head of a train wreck of a family, endorsing Trump is the most Palin thing she could possibly do. It’s simply a bonus that it would engender so much butthurt in the Cruz camp.
Oh please please please make it Palin. We need laughs and the inevitable word salad speeches and snowbilly family escapades that will inevitably ensue will be hilarious!
Palin’s stamp of approval is not the Kiss of Death. It’s the Orgy of Death. Please Proceed, DT.
Jerry Falwell Jr.??!!?? You won’t want to miss this!
Jerry Falwell Jr. doesn’t have the star power of Palin. It’s going to be Palin, and it’ s going to be delicious!
Jeebers …Guess trump is so politically incorrect he doesn’t give a damn about getting votes.
A Tuesday night in Iowa. In January. Can’t wait.
Will she bring props? There is a new baby in the Palin Clan.
Yes! Bristol Palin will be the Trump Administration’s Czarina of Abstinence!
Making public your support for Trump would be intimidating. Could anyone actually take the stage and endorse Trump more passionately and enthusiastically than Donald Trump endorses Donald Trump?
The kiss of Stoopid…
She’ll have her 48 ounce Slurpee cup and Special Pootie Binoculars® on hand.
This is exactly what she is doing. No question about it.
If anything can bring Jon Stewart back to full-time, Trump/Palin would be it!
No two people have ever deserved each other more than Palin and Trump. Even both their names sound like old-timey ailments. “I was out in the field during a rainstorm and got the Trump.” “Oh, that’s too bad. My cousin caught a bad case of the Palins from drinking raw milk.”
If Trump becomes President he has vowed to make Sarah Palin the Secretary of the Interior.
Oh. Your. God.
My money is on Dennis Rodman- he loves narcissistic Autocrats.