Discussion: Trump Teaser About Tues. Rally Fuels Speculation About Palin Endorsement

I’m not sure he’s studied up on Palin’s track record lately with endorsements—not his style, that studying up thing—but he seems panicked about Iowa and knows those sweet sweet pixels mean higher poll numbers. I’d bet he’s had Palin’s endorsement in his pocket for months, waiting for just such a perceived emergency. Sure, she’s almost universally seen as a clown, but who’s the one person in the world least likely to consider that a problem?


TheDonald continues to show Carnival Cruz his mad trolling skillz. Cruz will never, ever beat Trump at the game of drumming-up media clicks & eyeballs. But please, Rafael, continue to paint your face and hang out in duck blinds with hillbilly-face phonies.

I’m breaking out the whiskey.


She’s an aging whore. Of course she’d endorse him for a lump sum - or a steady income.


I’m thinking there might be some excitement in the air as the Donald and Sarah, wearing her knock me down fuck me pumps, say wonderful things about each other, with hugs and alluring gazes.

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Trump is locking in the grifting entertainment complex.


Oh, indeed, she’s fond of money and not fond of working for it. But she’s also got a pathetic, star-struck fascination with the world of glitz and glamor she thinks he represents. Once when she was a salmon fisherperson and a small-town council member she went on a pilgrimage to Anchorage to be in the presence of Ivana Trump. It was the first time she was in the news, and it’s actually kind of heartbreaking, this longing for a world so far away from her daily life. Or it’s kind of heartbreaking until you remember how awful she is. Complicated, at any rate. : )


Trump abstinence czar


Sarah Palin is just what the GOP needs to bring back sanity and a laser focus on policy to help the American people. I’m sure her speech will be recorded in history as one of the greats of all time, up there with FDR, JFK, and Lincoln.

My kids told me today is opposite day.


Not enough attention has been paid to the tweets between Trumpet and the Arab businessman Prince Alwaleed Talal over Trumpet’s anti-Muslim remarks.

You are a disgrace not only to the GOP but to all America.

Withdraw from the U.S presidential race as you will never win.

Trumpet’s reply, erudite as usual

Dopey Prince @Alwaleed_Talal wants to control our U.S. politicians with daddy’s money. Can’t do it when I get elected. #Trump2016


“Ask not what you can do for your country but ask what you can do for me.”

“We have nothing to fear but me myself.”

“A house divided could be flipped.”

I can hear it now.


Cool. Kinda like having the Jacksonville Jaguars endorse your entry into sports.

“Trumpet’s reply, erudite as usual”

It is amazing what he can do with such short sentences.

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This song, like his candidacy, was once considered funny because the possibility was so remote and awful:


you need to randomly replace about 1/3 of those words and replace with “you betcha”.

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Why use the word whore? It has a meaning…but in your comment it says way more about you than Palin. Look for your comment to be re posted at Red State and Brietbart in the “they do it too” section.

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Wow - talk about a disconnect … $arah Palin has never been for anything other than herself … not conservative, not liberal, not intelligent, but sure good at self-promotion of a rather failed product. Personally I’m praying for her to be declared The Donald’s running mate and for them to actually get the nomination, because the comic relief would get me through the bigotry, false Christianity and complete lack of human decency and (sorry Donald) CLASS!


Endorsement? Meh. He should make her his running mate!

Dumb/Dumber 2016!

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Is he going to introduce her as the mother of the future ex-Mrs. Trump #4? Because we all know he is shopping around and Sarah Palin is too old for him.

An endorsement is by Palin is kind of right up there like endorsements from Chuck Norris and Pat Boone.


If Sara’s back, TPM will need to double the size of the home page.