Discussion: Trump Teaser About Tues. Rally Fuels Speculation About Palin Endorsement

This must have been an agonizing decision for the Moosiah, but she can’t resist passing go and collecting her grift. We all know it is what the Lord wants.

She’s going to bring all the power she can as a failed vice-presidential nominee and half-term-quitter as Governor of Alaska. And please have her present at every Trump rally in every primary state, just to remind voters of what they missed!


He will definitely win IA and NH, can’t speak to the others, but he does have a 38% chance of winning the nomination, ahead of Rubio, Cruz and jeb*. I’ve been looking at fivethirtyeight.com lately, and Nate Silver put this up. No one likes Trump.


And she’ll be wearing the bear skin coat belonging to the grizzy she just killed…

Rather a bit like the Black Plague endorsing ebola (which, BTW, Sarah Palin thinks is a type of pasta you serve with a bowl of chili).


I don’t think I have enough Rich Lowry sparkles in my black bag to celebrate this hilarity.
And when is someone on MSNBC finally going to call out that fucking Republican moron (yeah, I know it’s redundant) Steve Schmidt for always telling that lie about how embarrassed he is by Sarah Palin? When they picked her for VP, Schmidt was ready to eat her morning dump on national television in celebration.


Meri’s as good as it gets. Get over yourself.

… and, of course, Classy…

(if it is Palin, it would be Low-Classy, but still “Classy”)

A clown to everyone but the Id of the GOP base

of course SP would endorse trump, It is the most effective endorsment to her priorities (staying relevant with the TGOP as to be better able to fleece the rubes)

Historical appraisal of John McCain as “war hero” will be overshadowed by his selection of Palin as running mate (I don’t give a damn who the underling was who actually grabbed Palin, McGrumpy OWNS Sarah).

Historians have a funny way of writing things about public figures in a way different than that of a stenographic Chuck Todd interview.

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I guess I’m understanding better today how all the RWNJs felt when Obama won. They never understood why so many of us liked if not loved him, never understood what made him seem qualified and suited for the job. And when he won both times they were just dumbfounded. That’s how this makes me feel. I just cannot for the life of me understand how the base can be so god-damned stupid and wrong, how they can’t see, how it isn’t obvious what a horrible horrible choice they’re making. Rationally I can understand. Emotionally, I still don’t get it and may not ever quite hoist it aboard. Shaking. My. Damn. Head.


Because it’s accurate.

I know as a good southern boy you prefer a veneer of politeness when you’re saying something nasty, but all it does is dilute your message.

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Honestly, the way I see things now, the only way he doesn’t get it is if he reveals he’s a Clinton plant (and I mean, flat out stating it in a speech) or if he dies, either via GOP dead-ender or a heart attack.


The beliefs and preferences and voting inclinations of THIS base mystifies you?


…and the final villain was a nerdy guy in glasses.


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As I recall, the villain in the 8MM movie had an unexpectedly “wholesome” childhood…but, back to your post… I have always been as concerned with the David Broder types as with the Hannity types.

What I am impressed with is, for all the descriptions of Baggers as “not too bright”, they have taken over one of the two established political parties. They never did the lunacy of going Third Party.

As much as I love slang, I think that it can dilute the gravity of something earth-shattering. The slang term “Astro Turf” (used to describe the process by which the TeaParty vaulted rapidly into the American political scene) should never have been used so commonly. Because the glibness and flippancy of the term obscures the reality of a group of 0.001%-ers, facilitated by Dick Armey and others, nurturing and supporting the nascent TeaParty, bypassing so many obstacles a group with completely grass-roots support would have faced.

The TP was combo of 0.001% support, rube muscle and MSM stenography. Grabbing the Republican Party, ousting nearly all GOP politicians except hacks and head cases.

And it’s very far from the first time that powerful individuals have sought to inflame the populace for their own purposes only to set off a brush fire that burns up their own mansions. Interesting times. The founders anticipated this in a general way, but they could never have anticipated there being a constellation of mutually reinforcing propaganda delivery systems, operating at literally the speed of light, dwelling within an open media market. Again, interesting times. : )

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Naa…I think Cruz wins Iowa, Trump may win NH, but it will be a much narrower win than the polls have been showing. The media story over the inevitability of Trump turns on a dime, which in his particular case, will be a huge blow. Because the meta message in his campaign is “WINNING! DON’T BE A LOSER”

Cruz meanwhile, who has a huge advantage in organization over everyone in the field, particularly Trump, will weather the current attacks by doing precisely what he is doing…hitting back. Down the road that will translate into “tough heroic figure that rises above the arrows and slings of lesser competitors”…precisely the sort of nonsense that the GOP base eats up.

Its looking more and more like Rubio is not going to be able to put away the competition in the Establishment lane, which means they all drag on and destroy any credible chance the Establishment has of, not only winning, but influencing the party platform in Cleveland.

For me, the only variable is how Trump handles the adversity of losing a few elections. My feeling is…not well.

But, given your prediction, I thought you might find this a humorous read:

I particularly enjoyed the “strategy” for winning women voters. Who knew?