I thought that was a typo. Couldn’t believe she said that (among all the other illogical things said).
And people still support this guy??
Better yet imaginary scenario (something similar did actually happen on a United Airlines 747 over the Pacific 30 years ago.) Improperly shut cargo door comes open, big hole in airplane fuselage opens up, donald is sucked out mid Pacific along with nine others… Sharks dine lavishly that night.
Hammerhead: “You know, this airplane food’s not that bad.”
This is a new kind of S.A.T. question. Oxygen mask is to Donald Trump as stiffing contractors is to … Donald Trump!
Oh god! Just what we needed, another reality show concept.
Pass me the Lewandowski.
A traitor to her own twisted ideology.
That sentence means that he managed to make sure that every time one of his bets went well, he profited, and every time one of his bets went poorly, his investors lost their shirts. IOW: never give a sucker an even break.
(added) Also note the implied comparison: For Trump, losing his own money is like dying, and must be avoided at all costs.
Too bad it’s too long for a bumpersticker.
JKB had their number, but many of us have caught on.
The only claim Trump has ever made is that he knows how to get rich.Which is true, but funny, since he didn't "get" rich, he inherited his money, and he would be considerably richer these days if he'd just invested the inheritance in an indexed fund.
Come on, he was just picking their pockets. Katrina can relate, although she probably is jealous that he was able to do this legally and for a lot more money.
So thoughtful that you (TPM) provided. a video link to TRUMP’S SPOX…but no link to Hillary’s speech you reference…I wonder what other TPM-era think?
I am reminded of a joke
A plane is going down, and after the pilot makes the annoucment that they will be downing the plane in the ocean…a blonde starts fluffing up her hair and putting on make up.
The redhead and brunette next to her ask what she thinks she is doing, to which the blonde replies…“Well, when the rescuers come, they will naturally be drawn to my beautiful golden locks and rescue me first”
The redhead thinks about that, and then starts undoing the top buttons on her blouse and pushing up her bra…the others ask and she replies “when the rescuers come, they will see my…naturally larger assets…and rescue ME first”
The brunette then starts to quickly remove her slacks, and before the others can even ask why she says “Don’t you two know anything?? They ALWAYS look for the black box first!”
You are missing trumps reptilian brain. Not missing much.
thanks so much. i feel a lot better now.
wait a second. you’re from maine? why haven’t you tossed that idiot governor of YOURS out on his sorry ass? i’m feeling bad again. that man hurts my head.
I don’t know if they make a strong enough bicarbonate for the resulting stomach distress.