Discussion: Trump Spox Offers Bizarre Analogy For Why Trump Is Out Only For Himself

About 20 plus times a day we read something inaccurate, racist, or just plain stupid from Trump or his people. But the news every night is how Hillary is not trusted. :angry:


ā€œMr. Trump believes in putting your oxygen mask on first before helping others,ā€ spokeswoman Katrina Pierson said when asked for her reaction to Clintonā€™s attack on the nomineeā€™s business record.

I disagree. The operational analogy is: as the plane is going down, Trump grabs the oxygen mask away from the kid in the next seat. Then he grabs the entire oxygen bottle, and his personal Jimmy Choo parachute and jumps out of the plane, after having jammed the door shut, leaving the other passengers to die in the crash. After he lands, he brags about how he predicted the crash, how he is praying for the survivors, and asks the Prime Minister of Burkino Faso for a campaign contribution.


Getting Trump or his folks to talk at length about Bankruptcy is like winning a break game in tennis. Four double faults in a row.


ā€œMr. Trump believes in putting your oxygen mask on first before helping others,ā€

The Katrina Pierson School of Public Relations:


Now that Trumpā€™s out with a statement saying he raised $51 million in June, it looks like he raised just enough to pay back all those loans that he said he was forgiving but hasnā€™t.

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Alternate Headline: Trump Spokesperson Katrina Pierson Tries to Defend the Indefensible, Take 25


Why is it bizarre?

Basically, it says Iā€™m first, and screw the rest of you.

The story of Donald ā€œthe draft dodging cowardā€ Trumpā€™s life.

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Trump Spox Offers Bizarre Analogyā€¦

Didnā€™t even have to read the story to know that Pierson was the person involved.


The Repubs version of the Woody Guthrie song:

This land is our land, this land is our land
From California to the New York Island


Itā€™s like Jesus said - I got mine, sucks to be you, and while we are at it, letā€™s build a wall to keep out all those starving children.


ā€œHe got rich and got out. And he thinks thatā€™s something to be proud of,ā€ she added. ā€œThat says everything you need to know about Donald Trump.ā€

Notice she said ā€œhe thinksā€¦thatā€™s everything you need to know about Donald Trumpā€ Doesnā€™t sound like much of a defense to me. Could Katrina be turning on Trump.

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Sheā€™ll only turn when a check bounces.


I hate Trump all the more because I am forced to get info at redstate, but they just put this up:

After the convoluted, self-congratulatory language, you get down to the meat of the matter. Trump contributed, allegedly, $3.8. And the funds were actually NOT $51 million, but $26 million for the campaign and $25 million for the RNC. This is significant because Hillary Clinton raised about $70 million ($40.5 million for her, $28 million for the DNC) in the same period. Anyway you cut it, Trump didnā€™t do particularly well.

And, no, Trump has not yet converted those campaign loans to a free and clear donation. The full article is here. At least redstate hates Donald as much as I do!


Thought Wolf was asking a pointed question (a little joy rose inside), but then I saw that the article had transitioned into a quote for Clinton.

This analogy only holds up IF he was running to be a passenger in the United States. Because that is what they tell passengers on planes - put yours on before helping anyone else. But he isnā€™t running to be a passengerā€¦ Heā€™s running to be the pilot. And the pilot needs to make sure that they donā€™t HAVE to put on a mask. That the flight goes smoothly. That they can get them down to an altitude where they donā€™t have to have the masks in the case of loss of pressure.

So, in this analogy - If we follow the train of thought hereā€¦ his first response as Pilot would be, ohā€¦here is some engine trouble - Iā€™m going to jump out of the plane with a parachute - I donā€™t care if you guys slam into a mountainā€¦ so long as I am OK.


Could you be a little more inventive, sir?




ā€œMr. Trump believes in putting your oxygen mask on first before helping others,ā€ spokeswoman Katrina Pierson said when asked for her reaction to Clintonā€™s attack on the nomineeā€™s business record.

Corporate Communications 101: associate your candidate with fiery disaster at every opportunity.

Oh. Waitā€¦


ā€œGo away kid, even though I have the best shade, you ainā€™t gettinā€™ it for free! I have cuthroat attorneys on retainerā€¦Iā€™ll sue you!ā€

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Trump airlinesā€¦only one oxygen mask. He puts it onā€¦and everyone else can breathe from whatever trickles down.