Discussion: Trump Slams ‘Sneak’ Tarmac Meeting Between Bill Clinton, Loretta Lynch

He’s got nothing - absolutely nothing. You are exactly the type of woman he can;t handle - smart and independent and god forbid a Hillary supporter


I’ve already said that I have no doubt that nothing happened at the meeting. All I’ve said is that I thought it was bad optics and that it was going to eat up news cycles that could be better spent on other issues.

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Forgive me, I couldn’t resist. It was way too easy. The pot had to be stirred.

Had Mr Clinton and Ms Lynch ignored each other the head line would have been…

Big Split Among Democrats Bill Clinton Ignores Loretta Lynch


It’s not even about that. If they’re going to ban others like UnfadingGreen and crazy DugFamGul or whatever, then this cretin should’ve been gone long, long ago. It’s simply wrong that someone who admittedly is looking to cause trouble, who repeatedly shuts down threads is allowed to stay and disrupt the rest of us. I get that one moderator loves Sanders too, but this is simply bullshit. He’s crossed entirely too many lines entirely too many times and anyone else wouldve and should’ve been shown the door long ago. Clearly, that’s not going to happen here. But I just felt that it needed to be pointed out. The level of hypocrisy is astounding.


I told Josh that missing box of old Polaroids would somehow compromise him one day. But noooooo, he wouldn’t listen.


Ding ding ding! Feel free to use as many misogynistic and racist terms as you feel necessary just as long as you’re feeling the Bern. The irony is rich on so very many levels.


O yeah - that would have been read as very very very bad news for Hillary for sure. They would have read volumes into that. They would have spun it into absolute proof that Hillary is right on the verge of being indicted.


Has d… been flagged yet? I only hesitate because I don’t want to shut anything down (and honestly TPM, that shouldn’t be an issue). That comment to plucky sure calls for it.


I was thinking the exact thing when he posted that nasty jab at you personally.

Perhaps reach out to @publishermike … he always seems reasonable.

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You’re such a Diva. And now I’m responsible for TPM losing revenue? Anything else?

You can love Obama and Clinton all you want but your fascist demands don’t work in a democracy, especially at this Hillary site. Isn’t there enough parroting here for you? How vanilla does the vanilla have to be?

You’re not the gatekeeper. Deal with it.

It’s not even eating up today’s news cycle.


Love it. Thanks for the laugh

Eustace FTW


I just did. Plucky doesn’t deserve to be talked to that way.


Come on dude, that was hard.

Maybe not, but when his friends dog that car he drives it’s not entirely good-natured. White walls?

PC isn’t just for LIbtards and homoqueers.


Anyone who dodged going to Viet Nam to have their arms blown off to further enrich the establishment assholes is a patriot, not a coward. Trump is probably a coward, but his dodging Viet Nam is what any courageous person did then. And McCain was and is every bit the coward you call Trump, but McCain really is / was a coward. Same for dubya, because his daddy got him out of Viet Nam, unlike millions of us who did escape the horror show due to our own diligence and courage, not our daddy’s intervention. Same can be said of Cheney and many others who dodged Viet Nam due to political connections and wealth.