Nuclear football…
Just as well. He’s really packing on the pounds. He must be a stress-eater.
Trump heard a rumor that the McDonald’s in Singapore puts curry in the special sauce for the Big Mac .
I refuse to capitalize it for him, too. And I won’t call him by his name.
Bill Shatner has really let himself go…
OMG, you are right. I see that, too.
Somehow this seems appropriate:
The Pestilence can be capitalized.
Will there be translators at the meeting?
Maybe Steve Wynn can send Donald a $25 gold slot machine token to take the place of his Nobel Prize.
And I’m still hoping the Nobel Committee awards the Peace Prize to Black Lives Matter and Colin Kaeprrnick.
In reality, Kim Jong-un already had a vacation planned for the 12th and the tickets were non-refundable.
You mean the trip to Oslo is off? Maybe next year.
Donnie’s ego is so, so vulnerable that he is easily snookered. That’s another way of saying he is stupid.
Supreme Leader Meets Supreme LardAss.
Hilarity Ensues!
I smell a sitcom!!!
Agree wholly. I predicted Kim would play Trump. That’s the way they roll. I give this June meeting only a 50-50 chance of coming off. Kim may delay it or bow out just to make Trump sweat and be more apt to make concessions favorable to NK.
And, as you point out, Trump may give away the store just to say he pulled off an agreement, no matter how bad for us and for SK.
Chinese use similar tactics. I learned, for ex, 20 years ago that the Chinese regard a signed contract only a preliminary step in negotiations. Even if Trump and Kim ink something, Kim will immediately begin reneging on his written commitments.
It will be rescheduled for the 12th of Never.
“Ooooooh! Oooooh!”, said the Little Dotard, stamping his feet. “I want a Nobel Prize! Everybody else gets one! If I don’t get my Nobel Prize, I’m gonna hold my breath until I turn Putin!”
After what Trump did with the Iran accord, why in the hell should any country honor an agreement with the US anyway?
So it’s akin to his releasing his taxes: It may not work out. He’s backpedaling so hard his electro-drive exercise bike may gain traction and, hopefully, permanently entomb him in a closet.
@gr I believe it looks like this.