Discussion: Trump: Singapore Summit With Kim Jong Un 'May Not Work Out For June 12'

I’m tired of it!

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Oh, those Klingon Tower Taco Bowls will do it every time!

Indeed! Between all that winning from Trump and all that Republican agenda that Paul Ryan talks about and my chronic masturbation, I’m freaking exhausted!

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With any luck the winning and the Paul Ryan agenda will stop.

Wank on, sailor, wank on.

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Kim Jong Un has agreed to meet with Trump after the ‘wall’ is built.

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“There are certain conditions that we want,” Trump said. He added if they aren’t met, “we won’t have the meeting.” He declined to elaborate on those conditions.

That may be the first time ever that DT didn’t just spout of something because reasons, so maybe Kim did some good after all.

I think it might be worth enough in a few years to buy several failed Trump business ventures.

Wank on. Wank off.
Wank on. Wank off.

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Also true:

Trump uses similar tactics. I learned, for ex, 20 years ago that the Trumps regard a signed contract only a preliminary step in negotiations. Even if Trump and Kim sign something, Trump will immediately begin reneging on his written commitments.

strad: You’re another one with whom I’m on the same sheet of music.

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Speaking of Donald not being the negotiator

Kim left the dotard looking like a toothless, aged, and brain dead guy in the recent back 'n forth over the pending summit. In addition to losing out to Kim, trump managed to lose face to a much younger man. As Josh Marshall rightly says on the main page…trump got punked. The “expert deal maker” was strung along and fooled and made to look the fool.

This is the winning trump promised us all?? I think not
And now President Moon of S. Korea is in town to help 'splain to daddy deal maker how badly he fucked up.

And Kim’s entourage didn’t drop their small spiral note pads and pens on that ride? They were right there to copy down every utterance from “on high”.

Ebay or craig’s list

I’ve been doing that since the election. His name also and I try my damnedest to not use “president” and “trump” in the same sentence as I do not want the words even near each other. I’m of the opinion that after trump leaves office (and I hope he does) that the White House should be razed to the ground and rebuilt. Just to get rid of the stench.

And as for this meeting…this is what ya get when ya let go half the expert career folk at Foggy Bottom and ya don’t bother to replace 'em cuz ya think you can do state craft all by yer lonesome. Who needs a refresher on Korean culture? Not the stable genius at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave cuz he knows everything. Imaging the tweet storm had it been anyone else besides Kim who did the punking of trump!

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Gamma rays, no doubt.

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Oh yes, common routine among NYC businessmen. Another trick is to use your suppliers as an interest-free source of capital.

I’d be surprised if Moon Jae-In is not fluent in English.

Of course, Donnie Two-scoops isn’t fluent in English, so a translator might be necessary anyway.