I do enjoy watching Trump try to bluster through these interviews… He’s like the kid who didn’t attend class all semester and didn’t read the assigned materials trying to talk his way through a presentation on something he knows nothing about. When the teacher asks a skeptical question, he reacts with, “Well, I mean, you can see it that way, but I took something else away, and all opinions are equally valid, right?”
Then, you know, just lies about it after he fails, saying the teacher had it in for him…
“His strong ties to NATO”? The interviewer should have called him out on that (and much more, of course). It’s OUR strong ties to NATO, not just Obama’s.
I agree, Emilliano, that there is a real danger. You mentioned two possiblities, but there are others. The press remains a key factor in this election.
Dark shadows are looming over our nation. But, cheer up, there is more reason for hope than despair.
The more Donald talks about Russia the more apparent it becomes that he’s a commie sympathizer. Joe McCarthy would have hunted him down and burned him at the stake. The GOP has become a bunch of wimps. The TeaParty cowards in particular. Where are their torches and pitchforks?
…this is NOT Trump’s “own idea”. This is a pro Russian stance that came directly out of Moscow, probably via Manafort, but there are so many people advising Trump now with deep Russian ties that it could have been any of them/combination of them.
But its certainly not Trump’s. It’s a policy point that is so beyond his grasp of policy and the world around us, that is impossible to believe its “his own idea”.
“He’s not going into Ukraine, okay? Just so you understand,” Trump said
of Putin. “He’s not going to go into Ukraine, all right? You can mark it
down. You can put it down. You can take it anywhere you want.”
And you know this how, Donnie? You can read Putin’s mind? You see the future with your great brain?
Exactly how Donnie? Inquiring minds want to konw.
Donnie…Donnie, Listen kid (Puts arm around shoulders)…The Russians are already in the Ukraine. Been there since 2014. And they annexed the Crimea buddy. Your understanding of world issues is severely compromised fella. You need some new advisors. Lemme offer you one…ever heard of the “singing fat lady”? She knows exactly where your election bid is headed:
Is he listening to Kissinger or is he just claiming Kissinger positions? You may not like Kissinger’s positions, but he is very intelligent, he just does not go around telling everybody how smart he is. Unlike Trump.
He needs to break the habit of putting his foot in mouth on video…taking it out on video and denying all of it. He can get away with a bit of that by the efforts of his boot liking surrogates but what’s he gonna do if he make a dumb ass statement at Davos, The Group of 20, Summits of the Americas or Geneva? Perhaps Bush couldn’t find the right exit door but he didn’t as far as I recall tell the attendees to go fuck themselves. He didn’t make remarks that would make the world cringe.
If Trump tells the Group of 20 to plant 19 kisses on his rosy red ass I’m not sure Manafort or his other sleaze bags can fix that.
You don’t understand. Trump has a Secret Plan to Win the War in Ukraine. Just like his Secret Plan to Win the War Against ISIS. And his Secret Plan to Win the Trade War with China. And his Secret Plan to Win the War on Terror. And his Secret Plan to Win the Vietnam War. I might be mixing up psychologically-disturbed GOP candidates for President, though.
The thing about secret plans, is that if you tell people what they are, they aren’t Secret Plans anymore! And if they aren’t Secret, they won’t work [at getting Trump elected]!
In reality, as Davey has stated, Trump has no actual plans here other than what his “Russia Advisor” (initials “VP”) tells him he should do there. That and bluster and strong but never backed-up assertions that he has it all under control if you just let him control everything.
I think the most likely possibility is that they throw enough money at Trump for him to step down from the campaign, placing Pence at the top of the ticket perhaps, or perhaps pulling a back-bencher out of retirement for the occasion. We are talking money from real multi-billionaires like the Kochs.
Of course “most likely” is still almost impossible, but it is there as a possibility if the GOP wants to buy its way out of this mess as its backers are wont to do. I just don’t think the likes of the Kochs are threatened enough by another four years of Democratic presidency to put billions of their money into it (not because Hillary would be particularly kind to their business interests, but because there is only so much even the most liberal President can do in the face of Senate and House opposition and frankly the Supreme Court social issues are just things to get their followers riled up, not the money masters). And even with getting Trump off the ticket they are going to have a hard time installing his replacement as a viable candidate for the GOP to back, no matter who that might be.
I was talking to my wife the other day and she posited…“what will Trump do if he DOES defeat ISIS with his secret plans”? How will he justify making the world wait until he alone could take the credit…all the wile thousands dying. If he had that plan his ego would not allow the wait. He’d give it up now and win the election by 15 %. We know the man too much thanks to his own doing.
Fighting proxy wars with Russia has been US Policy for 75 years. It took that long to wise up. The last, Afghanistan, has been bearing toxic fruit ever since. That’s why Obama avoided a new one in Syria. There is no policy in Trumps Ukraine bullshit. It was , what he thought, a safe opportunity for bluster that blew up in his face. Again, like dissing Kahn or accusing Mexicans of being rapists the man’s judgment and temperament shine through. I won’t delve into whether he’s temperamentally qualified to be POTUS, many nut cases have had the job, but he’s certainly not temperamentally or intellectually qualified to be a candidate for the job.