Can’t be seen too many times.
Is that the same Putin he has no relationship with?
Tomorrow Agent Orange will refute his own statements made today.
Hey, they’re stablemates. But separate stalls, so there’s no humping.
I’ll take that under advisement. [Retch, gag…]
It is hard to look at their coverage, but it is good to know what ‘fair and balanced’ news looks like…
"The fool doth think he is wise; the wise man knows himself to be a fool." – Shakespeare
Yeah, but I hate to give them the clicks.
I know, from a close relative, just how much attention is paid to analyzing which stories generate the most attention. Even on a non-propaganda site, I’m usually careful not to click on the dead-horse-flogging Clinton email stories, for example. If no one’s clicking on them, they vanish quite quickly.
Let us hope (pray!) that this weekend marked the watershed in real scrutiny by the press of all things Trump. I am noting a decided change in the coverage. If this scrutiny continues, he cannot win; he cannot even come close.
As I said: let us hope.
The Brand
Owned and Operated by Putin
Any and all further inquiries may be directed to Mr. Paul Manafort*
- Formerly the manager of Mr. V. Yanukovych
( a repost)
Trump is a serial liar. Until he releases his tax returns and can prove he’s not in business with the Russians, everyone, the media included, should assume he is. He will of course deny it, as he has done in the past. The question is, why should anyone believe anything he says?
“And that’s under the Obama’s administration, with his strong ties to NATO”
And that’s why we won’t have NATO anymore. Doesn’t work. Sad. Bad to my mate Vlad. Make Vlad glad again.
Stephanopoulos also noted that during a press conference, when asked if he would recognize Russia's annexation of Crimea, Trump said he would be "looking at that."!#$^% I'm surprised he didn't reiterate pulling out of NATO. I wish he would please STFU about any foreign policy issue whatsoever. There's an actual world out there, full of actual countries, and he's making everybody very nervous."I’m gonna take a look at it," Trump said on ABC. "But you know, the people of Crimea, from what I’ve heard, would rather be with Russia than where they were. And you have to look at that, also."
Putin’s puppet.
He is listening to Henry Kissinger, the traitor who for political gain extended the Vietnam war… Kissinger has been a Russian apologist for years.
Reminds me of when Gerald Ford freed Poland
You know, in the days, weeks, months, or likely years that will follow this election, this country will have to address those voters supporting a politician like Trump. These citizens demonstrate a dangerous mix of anger and ignorance, the latter being a primary threat to any republic.
You forgot the NY Post, or are too high-minded to mention it.
Fortunately, I am not.
Just think how easy it would be to take advantage of his ignorance and walk him into a trap he can’t escape.
Journalists? I challenge you!
Only 1942 can count as a year in which the United States was in more consistent danger. Midway, Stalingrad, Bataan…etc.
Trump is a clear and present danger to the United States. Enough people will vote for him to make it difficult to rule out a win for him. In addition, Trump is praying and hoping for things along the lines of
A Hillary Disqualifying Event
An emergency (attacks, etc) calling for a strongman
In the next 100 days. In his lizard brain, he believes that Independents, crying out for a male “with take charge ability”, will desert HRC in droves. I loathe Republicans and the Republican Party, but, in this case, GOP voters with triple-digit I.Q.s and some notion of the things necessary for Civilization to continue, may well be the Americans who put Trump away.
I do not trust Indies as well as most people.