Discussion: Trump Scrambles To Undo Goof On Russian Invasion Of Crimea

He’s like Pee Wee Herman : “I meant to do that!”


Not the Manchurian Candidate–the Moscovian Candidate. Yet so damn dumb he could not find the Ukraine on a map.


Does Trump realize that the US and Russia still have three thousand nukes (1500 or so on each side) aimed at each other? If WWIII comes it won’t be due to ISIS, but it will be some damn misstep in eastern Europe. Stupid Trump is just reckless enough to get us all killed.


Trump says that Putin has assured him that Russia has no territorial ambitions beyond the Sudeten…, er, the Crimea.


Donald Tramp the Entertainer was being sarcastic. Why can’t people get that? Donald is Omniscient but wants to appear human, humble and conservative.

I assume they’ve been talking all along, but I figure there’s lots of sighing and long silences. This is an unprecedented situation, and I can’t imagine what options they have. Mostly I wonder what scares them more: a crushing defeat, or a narrow victory.


No it’s not! That’s not what you said.

You just don’t know what you’re talking about, at all do you trumpet?

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The other bright side to all of this, of course, is revealed by a quick perusal of the front pages of sites like CNN and the NYT. Not a single story about Clinton’s emails, about her “unfavorability,” about Benghazi, etc., etc. Trump has seized the headlines, all of them bad. The G.O.P. has finally found that elusive creature - the self-defeating candidate.


I think they are going to go with voting for HRC!

Tell him there be golf courses in need in Crimea, he’ll go in a New York minute.


According to trumpet, Crimea is a Russian dish, served warm with sour cream…hence, crimea.

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So he’s not aware of the platform his party enacted at his own convention. The part that, according to the press, was the only part his team actually tried to influence. That’s, I guess, one at to lead. I wonder how that’d work in DC?

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He can’t be expected to listen to himself. He’s FAR too busy being awesome!


They built him and the media wave he rode in on, they own him lock, stock, and barrel.

“I’m gonna take a look at it,” Trump said …

… after testing nuclear launch codes

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“But you know, the people of Crimea, from what I’ve heard, would rather be with Russia than where they were. And you have to look at that, also.”

Well, this is good information to have. So when Trump becomes president and the people of California decide they’d rather be with Canada, he’ll be ok with that. Whew! That’s a relief!


“Okay, well, he’s there in a certain way. But I’m not there. You have Obama there,” Trumps said. "

Honest to God. If he’s talking, he’s lying.


Actually, the Republican party is probably the only thing Trumps does own.

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Donnie Douchebag doesn’t know what he thinks about Crimea. He’s given five different responses about Crimea, some of them in the same sentence, none of them making sense…The man is a lazy thinker. All that matters as far as he’s concerned is that you agree with him and never challenge him on the facts. Are we clear Snuffleupagus?

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You need to look at the Drudge Report and Fox News to see what most ‘Real Americans™’ are seeing. No sign of trouble for Trump there:

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