“So with all of the Obama tough talk on Russia and the Ukraine, they have already taken Crimea and continue to push. That’s what I said!”
No you didn’t, you orange horse-fluffer. Your campaign is imploding, Donnie.
Trump has also heard rumors there are plans afoot to spoil the natural beauty of Panama by building some sort of “canal”. He’ll totally put a stop to that also.
“It’s — look, you know, I have my own ideas,” Trump said in response.
And like his tax returns, Trump’s “ideas” are not for public review.
And full of glaring errors and fraud.
THe CLINton campaign onCE again PROVes Without a DOUBt that HITLARy and Putin struck a secRET DEAL to GIVE CRImea TO RUSSIa sO that HITLARY cOULD WIN A RIGGED election AGAINst TRUmp. AND ALL THE Left-wing laMEStreAM medIA TALK about IS CLAIMING falsely That TRUMP “GOOFED”.
If only he’d go “take a look at it” by actually going to Crimea. Free this country of his presence for a day or two.
I wonder when things will get so bad that “senior G.O.P. officials” start having quiet conversations that start out with, “Oh lord, how do we get out of this? What would we have to do to nominate someone else? And who would that be?” Or maybe those conversations have already begun.
They’d better hurry. There is a “drop dead” date coming up - the date after which it is impossible to change names on the ballot.
What do you expect when his number one foreign policy advisor is Donald Trump?
“Asked on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” who he talks with consistently about
foreign policy, Trump responded, “I’m speaking with myself, number one,
because I have a very good brain and I’ve said a lot of things.” "
At least they know that Romney is tanned, rested, and ready!
They passed the point of no return when they let him get the nomination. There can be no discussions now, without admitting they made a mistake (they won’t), except about planning for when Donnie gets his nose out of joint, picks up his toys and goes home, whining, “those other kids are picking on me”…
I, personally, expect this to happen sometime before Election Day. Don the Con won’t lose to a woman. He’ll shout that the whole thing is rigged against him and quit.
Wouldn’t surprise me. The aftermath would be fun to watch, on both sides. The Republicans would be scrambling to find a Plan B (Pence for President? Yeah, that would be a winner.), and on the other side, Trump’s illusory empire would crumble quickly. He’s already pretty much out of lenders (Deutsche Bank must be getting embarrassed by now), and the value of his “brand” would be down in the flea market clearance table range.
who wants them to change? If they are stuck with Trump, all the better.
ABC host George Stephanopoulos asked the Republican presidential nominee about his campaign’s efforts to soften a portion of the Republican platform about the United States’ commitment to helping Ukraine.
“I was not involved in that,” Trump said on ABC about his campaign’s work on the GOP platform. “I’d have to take a look at it.”
“Do you know what they did?” Stephanopoulos asked.
“They softened it, I heard. But I was not involved,” Trump replied.
What is not clearly pointed out here – and certainly is if you watch the interview – is that the line prior to the quoting above was Stephanopoulos literally saying that they softened the position. So where did Trump “hear it”? Right there! Stephanopoulos just said it!
I’m all for the whole democracy thing, but seriously… anyone voting for this man should have their privileges revoked for at least 12 years!
Hahahaha, you idiot! We now have things that can record and play back your words! I do hope this spells the end of Trump, but too many will back him simply because he’s not Hillary Clinton. Astounding.
Dumb as a stump becomes dumb as a Trump for posterity
So he’s going to fight for Ukraine but not the Baltic states?
A friend of mine suggested (quite seriously) that Trump will die soon – one way or another.
Gangster: I’ll bet you’d hate to see something happen to your little key store.
Frank Drebin: What about my keister?