Discussion: Trump Scrambles To Undo Goof On Russian Invasion Of Crimea

Gggaaawwwdddd, it’s so infuriating watching him answer the same way to every question.

“I’ll have to take a look at it, make sure we get to the truth of it before making any decisions…”

THATS THE POINT YOU IDIOT. If you haven’t looked at Russian aggression in the last 70 years of your life, or more recently, Russia’s annexation of Crimea, then you have no place running for president! It’s unbelievable. The man has the intellectual curiosity of a rock.

This election is going to give me rage induced delirium .


Now that would be a debate line of questioning I’d like to see: “show us Ukraine on the map. Or Syria. Or Turkey. Or Kenya, since you have such an interest in it. Or even Russia, for that matter. And no, Mr. Trump, “Africa” is not a country.”

I’m personally terrified of this scenario. I’m sure the Republicans have plans for this and would work against Trump to push him into withdrawing if polls look bad enough. I expect Ryan or Romney are both preparing prepping and chomping at the bit. Compared to Trump they both look like paragons of virtue and moderation.

If I were Trump I’d be worried that once I got elected, the GOP bloc in Congress would impeach me in favor of the more reliable Pence.

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Man he makes Sarah Palin look almost smart. What a complete babbling moron.

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This is proof of the GOP’s epistemic closure. They create their own facts and then convince themselves of their validity. How many of them were convinced, I mean absolutely certain, based on the “unscrewing” of the polls, that Romney was going to trounce Obama? Even Turd Blossom said OH was going to go for Romney after it was called for Obama. Stuff like this Drudge headline is fuel to their fire.

I know what you mean. Even if they brought in some bland benchwarmer, he or she would have a better shot at defeating Clinton than Trump does. On the other hand, if the G.O.P. threw Trump under the bus, I suspect a lot of his supporters would sit out the election, or vote Libertarian (shades of the less pragmatic Sanders supporters).

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Trump, just smart enough to realize how much he fucked up the day before, after a lot of coaching that is.

A brick is dense and everyone expects that. The Yam is impenetrable and impervious to knowledge and that is new to most people that figured even a Yam had a shred of intelligence.

Donald Trump was watching Jeopardy and his standard answer is, what is-who gives a fuck?