Why would we “acknowledge” something so patently false?
I’m not so sure. He frequently doubles down when he lies, why would he record a conversation if he’s only going to lie later?
It would be fair to say that the FBI and the rest of the IC is
Fired Up! Ready to go!
Saul would let Mike take care of it.
Yeah, that lawyer TRump was using as a bag man is AWOL. Heard he was taking a course in beginning Ecuadorian.
Not really. He tried to change his story after the fact, after he got called on his bullshit. Only sycophants and trolls like yourself pretended that mattered.
You got that right, at least.
When did Clapper say there was no collusion?
Thanks!! Although I am “just” a step-mom and momentarily about to become a step-grandma (yay!!).
Yes, “valid points” like the Democrats somehow convinced 17 intelligence agencies and the Republican House and Senate that Russia interfered in our election? “Valid points” like threatening the former FBI Director? That you, Russian troll, are here invalidates those points.
But “important to acknowledge” sounds so confident, so assured, so compelling! It’s like saying it is, oh, lessee, “incumbent” on us to acknowledge his nonsense. Or that “anyone objectively reviewing the facts” would have to admit the patently false claim. UK might well be persuasive to idiots. He should go among some idiots and see.
For all of those who think that American Caligula committed obstruction of justice when canning Comey, you might want to take a gander at Alan Dershowitz’s take.
That looks like a whole Twitter feed of key exhibits in an obstruction of justice prosecution.
Somewhat orthogonal, has anyone seen or posted here this Slate article on how we would be covering these events if this were any other country? Good stuff. It begins:
WASHINGTON, United States—The surprise dismissal of a powerful security services chief Tuesday night is widely seen here as a part of strongman President Donald Trump’s efforts to sideline critics and consolidate power, raising concerns about the state of democracy and the rule of law in this fragile but strategically vital North American country.
Absolutely! All of his biggest lies were followed by a sniff if you watch the tape. I used to have a bloodhound that didn’t sniff as much as this fool.
They’ll stick by him as long as he’s useful to them, and then hope that, by delivering on the things they promised their base for years (repealing Obamacare, tax cuts, etc.), the base will still show up to vote Republican next year and reduce or eliminate their losses.
It’s important to acknowledge that you’re as full of shit as a two-hole outhouse, Snookums.
I can smell it from here.
The best part is, his indictment is writing itself.
We’re going to save millions (without switching to GEICO) on this deal!
Did he just commit a federal crime for all the world to witness?