Soulless Mike with the dead eyes advice to Jesse about the dead women in his bed: “I woke up, I found her, that’s all I know.”
I wouldn’t link to or respect Dershowitz’s opinion the law any more than I would John Yoo’s. He forfeited his place in civil society years ago through his public advocacy of torture.
I certainly feel that he did.
But a competent jurist might consider me just a little biased.
The layered, textual lie, best either spat out of the gaping hole of an imbecile or gushed by a suited flack, splats its fetor on multiple targets.
You can’t leave out China. China is the cigarette after the fuck.
“Collusion” is a three syllable word. Of course he doesn’t know what it means or how to spell it correctly.
He is going mad and losing control, however much he had. And yet, look at the tens of thousand of “Likes” he gets. He’s playing to them, and it’s the trail that’ll come back to bite him on the ass.
Trump has to remain in office until all his enablers in the media, in politics and in the voting booth realize what a foolish choice they have made. Allowing that many did not like Sec. Clinton for whatever reason the choice of this person to lead their nation requires public penance.
It’s easy to say that this is just another WTF?! Friday morning with the deranged, unhinged president. But this cannot be expected, accepted or normalized and shrugged off. The man is a clear and present threat to the presidency, democracy and the country. He must be removed from office. A room with padded walls is more appropriate.
But, is he wrong?
Hopefully he’s around long enough to cost the GOP the Senate, the House, the presidency, and a lot of governorships and state legislatures just in time for Redistricting.
Then, and only then, will I give him permission to fuckoff.
Because he’s a moron who thinks he could somehow release only the parts that seemingly vindicate him while obscuring those that expose him. As I said, one can never know if he’s telling the truth. But if it’s true, I can guarantee you he believes he can selectively provide snippets that appear to exonerate him. That’s just the way stupid people and sociopaths operate.
Nothing happens in a vacuum, but for an administration in power for 8 years to say ‘if only we had another 6 months’ doesn’t quite ring true. No doubt an element is wanting to build goodwill with the new US president.
I suppose if they only had another 6 months North Korea wouldn’t have further developed and tested all those nuclear weapons during obama’s term either?
Trump is now in very hot water indeed. However, the perfidy and ruthlessness of the GOP is almost bottomless. Constant pressure will have to be applied to get anywhere; or this stuff will just dissipate into the news chaos.
To this end, I really, really would like the Dems to start saying:
There is a strong case for impeaching Trump for obstruction of justice re the dismissal of Comey. A full congressional inquiry is needed. Use the word ‘impeachment’ now.
An independent prosecutor must be appointed on Trump-Russia.
No Senate business get conducted until that happens. We are in a democratic emergency.
I’ll let respectable lawyers debate that point. IANAL.
We keep trying to understand and formulate our responses to the specifics of this idiot’s blatherings. We are missing the point he is an idiot blathering. The hardest part for me, considering his earlier performances on twitter, is knowing there is someone sitting next to him, cleaning up and entering that text. God I hope he isn’t doing this on the john. Talk about uncomfortable.
Dial it back, please. Let’s keep it civil.
He asked for a loyalty oath from the FBI director!?! Makes sense, that’s what mafia bosses do.This tweet essentially says that if it turns out Comey was wearing a wire he’s going to swim with the fishes.
Thanks! Just finished a fluffy, fuzzy baby blanket today, which will get washed and then mailed off. Fun, fun, fun!!!