“Witch hunt”!!!
My (equally childish) reaction is “takes one to know one”, Mr Birther/Mr Lock-Her-Up.
I know I just linked this elsewhere, but it’s more germane to this topic so:
This is called Witness Tampering, Don. (among other things)
Just thought you should know.
Wow. This is so not going to end well.
Witness intimidation, obstruction of justice…
Do I smell “impeachment” on the wind???
Just FYI, sundown is at 8:10PM in DC today. Gonna be a long day for the Kushners.
I beg to differ.
It won’t end well for Drumpfie, but it will for us.
The only thing standing between America and President Mike Pence is the Republican Party.
Because Don the Con has more than enough going against him to warrant removal.
Trump Rails Against Russia ‘Witch Hunt,’ Comey And ‘Fake Media’ In Tweetstorm
In other words, it’s all completely true. Good God, our President is a whining child.
Yeah. It’s turning into a cliffhanger trying to figure out exactly what it’ll have to be to tip them over the edge.
I’m betting they will drag this on a long time, hoping that things will die down (the anger won’t be sustainable) and 2018 won’t be an avalanche for the Dems. However, that strategy may well backfire on them.
I encourage them to keep thinking they’re bulletproof.
“As a very active President with lots of things happening, it is not possible for my surrogates to stand at podium with perfect accuracy!”
Yeah, um, no.
The surrogates all had the exact same talking points and they were speaking about something that happened in the past, not happening in real time.
It also assumes that the dumbest person in every room he’s in outplayed the CYA Grandmaster.
So you think he’ll go quietly?
Tweet Storm
Isn’t it more tweet palsy?
I don’t know about you, but I find when I write things down I remember them better. Might help you keep your story straight.
fabricating a story that members of his campaign colluded with Russian operatives to sway the 2016 election.
And then there’s the meeting with two of Russia’s finest in the Oval Office on Wed. morning. I’m not sure Donnie knows what “collusion” means (although in this case, I suspect the Russians were just there to laugh at him, and threby us).
James Comey better hope that there are no “tapes” of our conversations before he starts leaking to the press!
And you can instantly tell from that tweet it’s Mr Projection who is on tape and that scares the crap out of him.
eta: And what the fuck with that quote end quote for “tapes”?
Wait, there will soon be an Executive Order criminalizing the mention of Comey.